Saturday, July 16, 2022

Full-Scale Psychological Warfare And Orwellian Newspeak Are Being Used Upon Us All With The Subterfuge Of Language Being Used To Impose Upon America Their Brutal Totalitarian Agenda

July 16, 2022

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Within the Agenda 21 & Agenda 30 and other concepts that include “sustainable development” goals there is a weird shifting of the meanings of the language used and its determined impact on the “conversation” which brings up our first term.  Conversation means “oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas” as Miriam-Webster defines it but as used by the idiot left it has a new meaning; unspoken but obviously intentional in implication.  “We must have a discussion on how you will acquiesce with a full conversion to my point of view”; there can be no actual exchanges of ideas as neither complaints nor dissention as it will not be tolerated.  You will comply or face the certain consequences of trying to use intelligent and independent thought as that is NOT allowed.  How often have we heard liberals say “we need to have a conversation on that” and it is most obvious that they have no intention of listening to any other point of view besides that which is in the written agenda of the masters of their reality?  Seemingly constant references can be made of liberals/leftists/communists/democrats etcetera uttering exactly that phrase.  There are far more words and phrases that can be covered, and we have gone over a few here and there in past columns, but today we will take a bit of a deeper dive into that ridiculous shifting of vocabulary and its meanings with the full intent of psychological and sociological impacts that have actually shifted the way we have “conversations” and how our ideas have shifted right along with that subterfuge of language.

Deceptive language has been used for ages to shift thought and opinions from one area or thought pattern or definitions to another likely since time began.  Remember not too long ago we spoke of the deceptions and lies that the left uses to further their own agendas and that concept is included in this discussion.  If you noted in the very first sentence I used the terms Agenda 21 and 30 along with the term Sustainable Development because they are very closely linked.  The whole idea of “sustainable development” is very closely linked with the Great Reset and the massive reduction in earth’s population which is also directly linked to the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the One World Communist revolution, the Democrat party, and other New World Order associated groups.  They are all tied closely together and as things progress their relationships are becoming more and more clear as evidenced by their language used as one example of that familiarity with each other.  Although not directly interchangeable, their goals, directives, methods and even much of their memberships are found in common.

One such example that ties so many of these groups together is the term “Man Made Climate Change”.  First thing to be noted is that there is NO SUCH THING as manmade climate change.  It is a total farce, a fabrication and a lie produced in order to scare you and force you to conform to their insane mandates.  Denial of their idea is punishable in societal as well as legal terms of engagement with things like Carbon Taxes and restrictions on your travel as well as Smart Meters as just one part of mass surveillance of everyone including 5G and Smart Grid, pushing vegetarianism or just eating bugs for your protein intake to stop animals from creating CO2 (which our flora requires to produce the taunted vegetarian lifestyle), solar radiation management by spraying of metals into the atmosphere (Chemtrails), massive land grabs to force people into large cities where they can be better controlled and massacred, Cashless Society and the social Credit System and mandatory vaccines to destroy peoples immune systems, food scarcity with induced famine, far greater police powers including mass closed camera TV systems to constantly track you, and so much more.  All of these things are tied together and they are controlled by the words, by the language they instituted to make it difficult for the average bloke to understand the reality of their lies.  What this constitutes is total human slavery; it is indeed Conspiracy FACT.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) and as one of its officials named Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer said a few years ago in the Global Warming Policy Forum that “Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection…. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated….We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy….One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.”  Tell me again how the world ecology folks are not communist revolutionaries, that they are kind and loving people interested in our welfare (and then why Biden is shipping our petroleum overseas while we go without).  And that was said a dozen years ago before they got as far as they are now in their evil rampage against God Creations.

That term “Sustainable Development” was  introduced in a UN document called “Our Common Future” in 1987 and was codified in 1992 in a UN initiative called “The UN Sustainable development Agenda 21”.  That is the beginning of the Agenda 21 farce and pattern of massive annihilation of the Earths population is directly tied to that document.  No, it was not the origination of it, but the public announcement of it is that UN document authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland who was the Vice President of the World Socialist Party at that time.  The world socialist party stands for the total acceptance of world Marxist rule.  And that is the rule by the United Nations as official world government which we will get into more in another column.  In the mean time let’s get back to describing some of the terms they use to maintain control of the “conversation”.   Everything involved with the terms they use are about pushing every single facet of society (what little will remain when they are through with it) from individual, private controls called Liberty, Self Determination and Capitalism to full public control and ownership which by definition is slavery to the state or simply communism, which is Lucifer’s version of government.

They are integrating the ideas of Agenda 21 and 30 into the world’s language by their own concepts and verbiage through “sustainability” using Social, Economic and Environmental ideals.  Their Social ideas brings up the term they love so much; Equity.  Social Equity and Social Justice are terms we come in contact with just about every day whether just reading the news, listening to the propaganda outlets or just bantering with our friends or neighbors.  Social Justice was first used as a concept by Karl Marx meaning that people must give up their “selfish wants” for the common good of the community, which is communism.  Three terms that are all linked together are Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Social Justice usage of the term Inclusion means  “… in a Critical Social Justice sense, refers to something subtly different that extends that idea in a particular way. It means to create a welcoming environment specifically for groups considered marginalized, and this entails the exclusion of anything that could feel unwelcoming to any identity groups… Thus, inclusion is an expansive concept that could apply to silencing certain ideas like conservatism, meritocracy, or support for freedom of speech, usually in the name of safety and preventing the “trauma” or “violence” that such ideas could inflict upon progressives who see them as ideologies that perpetuate systemic harm.”   That explains so much of the idiocy we see all around us today, but again, that is the remodeling of terminology to fit the propaganda and totalitarian ends of very evil people.

James Lindsay also said that “the theory from which DEI originates manipulates the language we use so that we sign up for what it’s selling while we think we’re buying something else” and that is a good description of what we see in the insanity of the daily bombardment of leftists irrationality and gross stupidity.  That is what our colleges are teaching kids and what the news agencies are programmed to speak about which is just about everything in our lives the past few years.  It is all part and parcel of the current communist revolution that is enveloping the world.  Diversity, equity and inclusion are integral in developing systems that evenly distribute resources to groups that have been historically marginalized (think racial and ethnic along with cultural) and taking into account each person’s set of circumstances to allocate those resources – at least in theory as it has NEVER been the case in actuality.  That is taking from some to give to others who have not earned it and giving to those who cannot appreciate or care for because they have not earned it.  Again, that is the definition of Communism and most of society is now programmed into believing it is what they want while not realizing how evil and destructive that it actually is.

Do not confuse Equity with Equality, they are NOT the same thing nor do they even have the same or near meanings.  Equality means everyone has the same possible benefits regardless of their individual privileges (if you want it, then you must earn it) while Equity compares what each person has to determine what they arbitrarily decide what they must need.  That is allocating resources on an arbitrary basis rather than people earning what they want; that is indeed yet another way of saying the very definition of Communism.  Equity is EVIL; take from producers and give to takers.  It is redistribution and is administered by the tyrannical forces in control while Inclusion and Diversity can be considered the methods used to get that tyrannical party into power.  You can see that by the way the democrat (aka, American Communist Party) party has conducted elections the past few decades and how their evil monkey armies have rioted, chanted, lied, demonstrated, screamed and so forth to obtain that power.  It is ongoing and can lead to only one thing – absolute power or absolute anarchy.  Either way, that is the formula for massive civil disturbance which is a kind way of saying civil war and massive bloodshed as history has a way of proving.  The industrial use of the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) scores and principles is the larger method of producing DEI revolution and destruction.  They’re the same thing in different guises all intended to destroy society as we know it so it can be built back NOT better, but in the pattern set forth by the powers in charge.  The Equality of the American Dream is that everyone is born with the right or opportunity to be or create whatever they desire while ‘equity’ is the forcing of the results, NOT the Liberty to pursue that dream which is, again, the definition of Communism.  I believe in the terminology of “With Liberty and Justice for ALL.”

All of this really took a large leap under the horror of the Kenyan Barry Obama and his evil cronies as they increased Public and Private Partnerships (also called Crony Capitalism, a form of Fascism and also a revision of terms for the purpose of DECEPTION) which is when private institutions partner with government agencies which is really a way to launder monies and increase profits and power on all sides.  Think Military Industrial Complex as the more well known form of this and the linkages of the Washington DC crime families like the Biden’s and their involvements with China’s CCP and Russian firms while at the same time funding Ukraine’s “war” that is actually just a cover-up for laundering money, power and influence while at the same time furthering the NWO goals of total world war and the continuing manufacture and research into bio-weapons that will also assist the destruction of this planet, people and peace.  Another way to think of PPP’s is as a built in way to obtain government contracts without the bother of bidding and honestly earning contracts.  It is a criminal affair and demonstrates massive corruption at its worst.

A great source on new-age terms like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is found on a site named Brandeis University in Waltham Massachusetts and although it is super “woke”, there is much information of just what they claim to be the reasons they act like little Hitler’s and if you are looking for some understanding of the insanity and evil of the left, this is an easy to peruse site.  The link I posted above for them is the page where they give their definitions briefly so it is quick to obtain what they along with the whole of the insane left deem the proper definition; or as I call it, the very weak reasoning of their redefining what would constitute rational thought to fit their twisted ideology.   If you are still wondering how they can be so idiotic another page with translations of wokism terms for woke idiots is here.  NewSpeak and DoubleSpeak live a very wealthy life in this day and age.

In an appendix to his novel “1984” Orwell said “The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the [Party's] world-view and mental habits ... , but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought - that is, a thought diverging from the principles of [the Party] - should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words, and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings... Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought…”.  Got that?  It is exactly what the insane/evil/idiotic left is doing to us right now and they seem to be very successful because schools, media, government and those without much of a thought processing ability follow the shifts in descriptive and allowed terminologies.

The dilemmas and contradictions inherent in the lefts supposed thought process can be called Creative Dissonance because, as “the late cognitive psychologist, Lawrence Kohlberg, minds are changed and moral growth occurs when individuals are faced with dilemmas and contradictions. The resulting discomfort (“cognitive dissonance”) motivates one to search for new cognitive structures (“frames”) that will resolve the dissonance. For example, moral and political dilemmas that are irresolvable by authoritarian rule or conventional belief may be resolved from the perspective of “the social contract.” This, in fact, was the “solution” worked out by the framers of our republic.  [Note: that is pure bull, but this was written by leftists]
Of course, cognitive dissonance can be destructive, depriving the individual of autonomy and initiative. This was the objective of The Party’s slogans in Orwell’s 1984: “War is Peace.” “Freedom is Slavery.” “Ignorance is strength

Those “frames” spoken of above are “far more subtle, and therefore insidious and seductive, are cognitive “frames,” a concept famously brought to public attention by George Lakoff, who describes them as “mental structures that shape the way we see the world.” Lakoff continues:  You can’t see or hear frames. They are part of what cognitive scientists call the “cognitive unconscious” – structures in our brains that we cannot consciously access, but know by their consequences: the way we reason and what counts as common sense. 

From the concept of framing, Lakoff derives this warning: “When you are arguing against the other side: do not use their language. Their language picks out a frame – and it won’t be the frame you want.”   There are many listings of those acceptable words and phrases all over the place one of which is located here.  My initial intention was to list more of them and give the real definitions as opposed to the Satanists definition versions, but that would make this column way too long so I will continue my defining them as we run across them in future columns.

That is why we must be aware of the words and language that the Satanic left uses and refrain from using it at all.  Women are the females of the specie and NOT “birthing persons”, they are the Homogametic sex with XX chromosomes while the male is the Heterogametic sex with XY chromosomes.  Human beings still living in the mothers’ wombs are called Infants and Babies whether or not they have had their first breath of God’s grace of life outside the womb, they are NOT just “fetuses” or “tissues” that the mother can do with as she wishes because they live within the mother’s womb but are NOT just another part of that woman’s body.  Build Back Better, the Great Reset, the New World Order, the Liberal World Order, the Societies of Tomorrow and so many other terms are what the evil left uses to describe what they will construct where you will own nothing, have no privacy, become “trans-human”, eat bugs if you want protein, and so many more horrific visions of a hell that they call Utopia that is going to be filled with sparkling unicorns, world peace and love, humans living on Mars, bio-printed organs, no more carbon fouling up our carbon based flora and fauna, no more praying to or believing in God or worshipping anything other than the most blessed leaders and slave owners that direct every piece of your existence to create that world of very few people and rainbow fruited wholesomeness.  Sounds wonderful don’t it?

Next up (when I finish it) is more on the implementation of it all so please stay tuned.

God Bless

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