Friday, June 3, 2022

The Root of Monkeypox? Internal Pfizer Document Reveals Vaccines Trigger ‘Autoimmune Skin Blistering’

As the World Health Organization began moving towards their global Pandemic Treaty, a new disease suddenly emerged. Mainstream media outlets diverted citizens from the WHO’s latest power grab with a blitzkrieg of foreboding monkeypox headlines. According to ‘experts’, the virus spread throughout Europe, Australia, and America in early May. Those afflicted develop protruding lesions. Symptoms include muscle pain, fever, headache, and chills. Medical professionals insist the zoonotic pathogen is due to human-animal exposure. However, some inquisitive researchers believe the mysterious outbreak could be linked to an unexpected source.

Inoculation-Induced Skin Blistering Internal Pfizer documents present concerning findings regarding COVID-19 vaccines. During the clinical trials, laboratory technicians noticed test subjects experienced unusual side effects. According to a recently released dossier labeled 5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021, recipients suffered from a host of inoculation-induced illnesses. One specific reaction listed is autoimmune blistering disease. The report reveals that 8,476 participants developed skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders. Immunized individuals developing similar ailments are also described in the federal VAERS database. Numerous entries state patients experienced epidermal abnormalities post-vaccination. Vaccines Trigger Autoimmune Conditions Further evidence that SARS-CoV-2 elixirs can cause external deformities and sores can be found within the National Institutes of Health archives. A particularly intriguing submission is titled Autoimmune Bullous Dermatosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination. Scientists conducted a detailed examination of the peculiar dermatological condition. Authors write: “Autoimmune bullous diseases (AIBDs) are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by cutaneous and mucosal vesicles, blisters, and erosions. We hypothesized that vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) could trigger an immunological response in genetically predisposed individuals. According to the French method of imputability, the pharmacovigilance investigation showed an I5B4 causality assessment score for the vaccines, interpreted as highly probable, for all the patients. The diagnosis of vaccine-induced autoimmune bullous dermatosis was highly suspected.”

Read more: The Root of Monkeypox? Internal Pfizer Document Reveals Vaccines Trigger ‘Autoimmune Skin Blistering’

The Root of Monkeypox? Internal Pfizer Document Reveals Vaccines Trigger ‘Autoimmune Skin Blistering’ – David Icke

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