Saturday, June 4, 2022

'The Biden Blitzkrieg': Destroying U.S. as fast as Nazis on meth

 Wayne Allyn Root: 'We aren't going to make it to 2024.

 America is hanging by a thread'

I'm a Jewish American, and I understand my history. The speed with which President Joe Biden and his Marxist handlers are destroying America and the U.S. economy has never been seen in world history – except for Nazi Germany.

I call this "The Biden Blitzkrieg."

I compare what's happening to America today to the Nazi blitzkrieg. The Nazi army conquered Europe at a speed never before seen in world history. Do you know how the Nazis did it?

Hitler pumped his troops with methamphetamine (i.e., speed).

That's right, the Nazi army was literally drugged with speed. They became superhuman speed freaks who could run, fight and kill 24/7 for weeks on end – until their bodies collapsed and died of a heart attack, or they were killed in action. This is how Hitler conquered each country in Europe in a matter of days.

Let's now reflect on the speed and depth of the destruction of America and the U.S. economy by this Biden Blitzkrieg. It takes your breath away. We are being attacked and destroyed from 1,000 different directions at once. The speed of the attack is stunning.

Biden must be employing a similarly energized army of lawyers, bureaucrats, regulators and radical Marxist activists to carry out this vicious 24/7 attack on the American people and American business.

Bookmakers across the world have made former President Donald J. Trump the huge favorite to win the presidency in 2024. All that's well and good. But I have bad news for America: We aren't going to make it to 2024. America is hanging by a thread.

America and the U.S. economy are being destroyed so fast that I'm not even sure we can make it to the November midterms.

Ask the smartest billionaires in America. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, just warned that an "economic hurricane" is about to hit America. Then John Waldron, the president of Goldman Sachs, added that he has never seen so many major "shocks to the system" facing our economy at one time.

The richest man on the planet, Elon Musk, said this week he has "a super bad feeling about the economy" and asked his top executives to stop all hiring worldwide.

What are these nonstop "shocks to the system" all these brilliant billionaires and Wall Street titans are talking about?

Read 'em and weep.

Gross domestic product (economic growth) is collapsing. Interest rates are rising. Inflation is exploding. Home sales are cratering.

The stock market has just suffered the worst few months since the 1929 crash – which of course led to the Great Depression.

Gas is headed for shortages, gas lines and $10 per gallon.

Grocery prices are exploding to unimaginable levels.

The supply chain is ruined. Massive food shortages are coming.

Baby formula shortages are getting worse. There are lines across America when the government airlifts in baby formula. Airlifts? America now looks like the fall of Saigon.

It's only going to get much worse this summer. Energy experts are promising mass blackouts of the electric grid across America.

Then there's the massive crime and theft wave enveloping America's Democrat-run big cities. Under Biden and his Marxist handlers, America has become a "Third World craphole."

Don't forget open borders. Biden is desperate to open the floodgates and allow the whole world in. If Biden gets his way and Title 42 is lifted, millions of the world's poorest and sickest migrants and violent criminals will pour through our open borders.

Let's not forget Democrats want to take our guns away. I've seen a movie where only the government, military and police have guns. It's called "Schindler's List."

Forced experimental vaccines also remind me of the Nazi regime. And just in time for the midterm elections, I predict we'll see attempts to bring back lockdowns, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. What a perfect time for crisis!

Add in censorship, banning, intimidation and persecution of conservatives, patriots and even parents at PTA meetings by government agencies like the DOJ and FBI. Exhibit A is the arrest of high-ranking Trump official Peter Navarro this week.

Then there's the education system trying to brainwash and indoctrinate our children with communist, anti-American, anti-white, gender and sex identity ideology.

And don't forget Biden's provoking Putin again and again – daring him to start World War III. Does Biden want to provoke a nuclear Armageddon or electromagnetic pulse attack to turn America into "Mad Max"? Is this all about selling out the USA to China?

This is a total decline, destruction and collapse of America, happening at a speed none of us has ever seen.

This is The Biden Blitzkrieg. It's now clear we're dealing with radical Marxist traitors acting like Nazis on meth.

'The Biden Blitzkrieg': Destroying U.S. as fast as Nazis on meth (

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