Saturday, June 4, 2022

2000 Mules Investigator Gregg Phillips: “Fuentes plead guilty to a class six felony for conspiracy...Changed her plea to guilty after [2000] Mules...Two down...Some really bad guys next”

 Earlier today, we reported about a massive illegal ballot scheme involving Guillermina Fuentes, a 66-yr-old Democrat operative, and Alma Juarez, who were both indicted in December 2020 on one count of ballot abuse or ballot “harvesting.”In October 2021, conspiracy, forgery, and additional cases of ballot harvesting were added to their charges. Fuentes was accused of being part of a sophisticated 2020 illegal ballot collecting scheme in San Luis, AZ.

Guillermina Fuentes is a well-known figure in the border city of San Luis. She’s a former mayor of San Luis and is currently an elected school board member of the Gadsen Elementary School district.

66-yr-old Democrat operative, former mayor and school board member Guillermina Fuentes.

Joe Biden allegedly won the state of AZ by 10,457 votes.

Using a conservative estimate based on the number of mules who delivered illegal ballots to drop boxes across several counties in AZ, Dinesh D’Souza estimates an astounding 207,435 votes were illegally cast in the 2020 election; in Arizona alone!

D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ movie is based on very specific evidence derived from publicly available geolocation data from cellphones of “mules” that was provided for the film by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips,

Trending: ‘2000 Mules’ Rocks The World! Leading EU Politicians Speak Out: “I think it’s a high possibility that without this voter fraud, Joe Biden wouldn’t have been elected as President of the United States, but Donald Trump would still be in office” [VIDEO]

From the AP – Fuentes, a former San Luis mayor who serves as an elected board member of the Gadsden Elementary School District in San Luis, has a Thursday court date where she may change her not guilty plea. Her co-defendant awaits sentencing after pleading guilty to a reduced charge several months ago.

Fuentes is accused of collecting ballots during the 2020 primary election in violation of the law that only allows a caregiver or family member to return someone else’s early ballot and, in some cases, filling them out.

Today, Fuentes appeared in court, where she changed her “not guilty” plea to “guilty” to a class six felony for conspiracy.

Ballot harvesting is a felony in Arizona that carries a possible sentence of up to 2 years in prison and a $150,000 fine.

Fuentes will discover if she will serve time and how much of a fine she will have to pay on June 30.

Gregg Phillips, who worked with True the Vote founder Catherine Phillips to provide the data to Dinesh D’Souza for his blockbuster documentary 2000 Mules, used publicly available geo-tracking cell phone data to uncover a massive illegal ballot harvesting and trafficking operation in several key states in the 2020 election.

Gregg Phillips

Here’s how Gregg Phillips responded on President Trump’s Truth Social to the news of Fuente’s guilty plea today:

Fuentes plead guilty to a class six felony for conspiracy.

She plead guilty. Two down.

Changed her plea to guilty after Mules.

There are some really puckered-up crooks in Yuma County, AZ. Some really bad guys next.

By the way, we are right again.

When Phillips says “Some really bad guys next,” he means it! Watch his recent interview with Patriot Patel where he warns about what’s coming next:

American heroes Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht will go down in history as two of the most consequential figures of our time.

2000 Mules Investigator Gregg Phillips: "Fuentes plead guilty to a class six felony for conspiracy...Changed her plea to guilty after [2000] Mules...Two down...Some really bad guys next" (

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