Saturday, May 28, 2022

Liz Cheney Announces Re-election Effort, but Gets Smacked With Devastating Poll

On Thursday, Rep. Liz Cheney (RINO-WY) officially announced her reelection campaign.

It’s fair to say that many Republicans are hoping that she goes down in flames. In a situation where we are in an existential fight against the radical push to the left from the Democrats, she was so concentrated on her Trump hate, that she threw in with the Democrats on the Jan. 6 Committee to use it as a political hammer against Republicans, to promote herself as some kind of “real conservative.”

She is perhaps hoping for higher office, like the White House. But I’m not sure who it is that she thinks is going to vote for her. The Democrats are using her now because she’s a compliant tool, but they have no reason to back her for anything in the future after she helps them with what they want. What they want in the run-up to the midterms is to use the Committee to bash Republicans–regardless of reality. Cheney doesn’t care.

While she’s gotten a lot of “elite” money, she hasn’t done anything to reach out to the Republicans in her state to try to explain her positions, so why should anyone vote for her when she doesn’t care about what they have to say? She’s treated Wyoming the way that Hillary Clinton treated Wisconsin in 2020. She hasn’t shown up at any state Republican Party function in more than two years. She’s also skipped out on town halls and forums. On the other hand, she has reached out to the media and to Democrats in the state to help her. Her problem? There aren’t a lot of Democrats in Wyoming.

Mary Martin, the GOP chair of Wyoming’s Teton County who previously voted against censuring Cheney, now criticizes her, saying she hasn’t come to the state to defend her decision to impeach former President Donald Trump despite being asked.

“She was absolutely invited to come and present what her facts were, to defend why you are doing this and instead she opted to call the Republicans radicals, which has made people upset within the party,” Martin said, according to Politico.

Cheney has “been MIA since Jan. 6. And what we all truly believe is that the Wyoming seat is a stepping stone to running for president in 2024 and she needs to get Trump out of the way. And to raise money, she’s using the anti-Trump commentary,” Martin went on to claim.

But to have any viability nationally, she has to win her primary in August and that isn’t going to happen. Given the way that she’s treated Republicans in her state as well as Republicans generally, it looks like the Republican voters in Wyoming are going to have a very big message for her and her ambitions: No, thanks.

According to a new Club for Growth survey, Cheney is running 30 points behind her Trump-endorsed competitor, Harriet Hageman. Hageman, a Wyoming attorney — who has reached out to Republicans in the state, unlike Cheney — is reaping the benefits of that. She’s at 56 percent, while Cheney is at 26 percent. A third candidate got 12 percent and about 6 percent are undecided. That’s pitiful, in a state where being a Cheney used to mean you could probably walk into the seat. That’s how much she’s torched herself with her actions. President Donald Trump is coming out to campaign for Hageman in Wyoming on Saturday, and the event will have speeches by many top Republicans endorsing Hageman.

Cheney released a video to push her campaign and it misses on every level.

From Townhall:

To close her re-election announcement, Cheney pointed out that “some things have to matter,” including how “American freedom, the rule of law, our founding principles, the foundations of our republic matter. What we do in this election in Wyoming matters. I’m Liz Cheney, I’m running for re-election, and I’m asking for your vote, because this is a fight we must win.”

But if she cared about any of that, she wouldn’t have thrown in with the Democrats who are doing all they can to upend that. Now she’s going to find out that, yes, actions have consequences–and she’s about to get smacked with some.

Liz Cheney Announces Re-election Effort, but Gets Smacked With Devastating Poll – RedState

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