Friday, May 27, 2022

As Globalists Finalize Their 'Grand Conspiracy' To Rule Over Us All, 'Communist Revolutions' Through History Bring Famine, Mass Starvation And Death On A Huge Scale To 'The People'

 May 27, 2022

- Americans Should Take Very Close Note Of All Of These Interconnected Links!

By Alan Barton - All  News PipeLine

An old toy called a Barrel of Monkeys is still available, I suppose it is still in many stores, and I note that they are $5.95 at Walmart plus shipping if that is the easier way to get them home.  We don’t need to at our home as we already have a couple barrels of them for younger kids to play with.  The point of the game is to pull one from the barrel and see who has the most hangers on with the higher number being the winner.  A bit of fun when played with the younger grandchildren as it used to be so long ago with their parents when they were young.  So, what in the world does that simple game have to do with whatever might be considered my “normal” topics?   Simple, things are not what they seem.

In our last column, we discussed how censorship obfuscates and hides what is real in this insane world of ours, and made a short list of how one news story is a distraction from another and that is in turn a distraction from yet another and so on; the primary point being that when one might look into them a bit and see how one is linked together to the next and then on to the next we begin to see some patterns taking place, hence my apologue of the game of linked monkeys.  Perhaps a wee bit of a trite allegory even though it appears we are being led by a troop of cack-handed chattering monkeys; it works for our purposes today.

At the top of the current list of distractions may be the Texas elementary school mass murder and I will not go into that except to say that the perpetrator was apparently an 18 (barely –some reports say not quite yet) year old kid that had severe emotional problems that were never addressed. Some sources (interviews with his friends and school mates) say he had a very difficult time adjusting and had a seriously sharp mean streak.  Along with some photos claiming he was apparently a cross dressing homosexual, he had previously hinted at what he was planning on doing.  It is the response of the MSM and leftist political crowd that is of interest here as it led directly to calls for gun confiscations and severe penalties for those that do not approve or even say anything counter.  The evil left has long tried to do all they can to remove our means of self defense and will continue to lie, misrepresent situations and scream at the top of their minimally rational heads to make it happen.  And like so many other mass shootings, it appears that it may have been orchestrated as others have obviously been by yet another monkey on the chain. 

But why do they want us disarmed?  Do you remember what happened to those Australians who objected to being quarantined and forcibly given the C19 murder shot?  Forced into concentrations camps after being unceremoniously rounded up at any hour of the day or night and imprisoned with armed guards after you if you tried to escape and those lucky ones that did escape were hunted down like common criminals that committed some heinous crime.  The Aussies gave up their weapons, we CANNOT do the same here or we will be in far worse conditions.  Think of how those poor souls that are illegally imprisoned in disgusting prisoner of war “jails” for their support of President Trump on January 6th have it when they did nothing wrong except show support for the duly elected Second Term of President Trump and there are many still imprisoned in abhorrent conditions with no end in sight.  Now, what do you think they would do to people that resist their ungodly and outright evil schemes to stop anyone from criticizing their imprisonment of anyone that dares disagree with their plans to destroy this nation and drastically reduce its population?  Our weapons are primarily to protect our lives and the lives of our families first and foremost from evil government actions, and the Second Amendment is in its place right after the First to emphasize that it is absolutely essential to protect the First especially along with protecting us from encroachments of the others.  My couple of columns on censorship should make it very plain that they are doing all they can to destroy any semblance of Liberty and finally bury our Constitution and Freedoms.

All of these shootings are directly related to the plan to disarm us, but what is the next monkey?  At least one of the next monkeys is the looming mass famine and resulting civil strife.  Crop failures in the 1780’s caused mass famine in France and was a major cause of the French Revolution.  The communist revolution in Russia in 1917 caused considerable damage to the farm life and the very severe drought in 1921 caused a most grievous death total estimated to be between 5 million and 8 million Russians with many regressing to cannibalism in order to feed themselves.  That Great Famine of 1921 was far worse than what we experienced in the 1930’s Dust Bowl days here in the USA.  Revelation 6:5-6 details what we will be experiencing soon enough.  The monkeys that bring this up out of the barrel are those of artificially created shortages like the twenty some odd food production facilities that were burned or otherwise destroyed, and the monkeys of energy shortages that stopped the farmers caring for their fields, the truckers shipping what was produced, shortages of working people to handle those jobs, government paying farmers to NOT produce anything, giant corporations buying up huge parcels of productive land and then making it fallow, and on it goes.

And that brings up another bunch of monkeys such as those that put a fake pandemic farce on us that stopped commerce and got many people laid off or let go because there was no work to be done because of restrictions and a false sense of fear over having to die from some dread cold or flu.  And some of those monkeys were the lack of dock workers both here and abroad especially in the Chinese ports where so much of our industrial production has shifted making it impossible to get machine repair parts for all sorts of purposes including repairing tractors both agricultural and road freight hauling service.  Then add in those monkeys of the destruction of our energy production by replacing proven, trusted and most reliable coal, natural gas and nuclear plants with fairy tale solar and rainbow wind production that can in no way ever supplant our proven energy sources.  And that is to say nothing of shutting down our production and transport and refining of petroleum products (falsely termed “fossil fuels” because petroleum has NOTHING whatsoever to do with fossils or dead dino’s or plant life but is created deep in the bowels of the Earth by mother Nature).  Greatly reduced rail transport, truck transport as well as slowdowns in air transport all contribute to a failing economy just as the monkeys planned.

Of course, modern technological leaps have had an impressive change in just how they plan on enslaving us, with the recent announcement that Alibaba Pres Michael Evans announced in DAVOS that they have a tracker that can track an “individual carbon footprint” so you can measure your own carbon footprint to track not only your movements but your diet to be sure you do not eat what they want you to.  Forget your favorite bacon cheeseburger, they will not allow you to even buy one soon.   It has been tested in China with apps (to those of us older than ‘thumbs on fones’ age, that means a computer program) implementing what is termed a medical police state with continued daily testing and now have robots that can conduct “nucleic acid testing” to see if you are going to be allowed out in public.  With this mass surveillance of our very lives we are entering the fulfillment of what the Chinese already have; the CCP’s social credit score.  Behave or you do not get to even eat what we might allow you to if we consider ourselves benevolent enough today.

To help enforce what these evil monkeys have planned, the next set of monkeys being pulled up now include major supermarkets to ban paying with cash or plastic card and will accept payment ONLY via digital ID and facial recognition.  Exposé said that “At the checkout, users will be forced to authenticate their payment by showing their face or the palm of their hand instead of being allowed to pay by card or with cash.”  That card company is Mastercard and is already being tested in St. Marché grocery stores in Brazil with more planned in other parts of the world.  Face and palm, eh?  This is a good time to quote Revelation 13:16-17; “[16] Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, [17] so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” (ESV)   Alibaba’s Evans told Davos that the tracker they are working on will monitor what you buy, what you eat and how you travel.  Nice set of monkeys, eh?

As I have complained a bit of censorship that is affecting searching for the truth, and as witnessed by advertisements always showing up right after looking for information on any given product, this aspect of tracking what you might be interested in has already flown to other uses like the News Hour First websites article on Patreon now banning users for content that had nothing to do with their site.  They fired an employee without notice because he said something they did not approve of concerning a “protected community” just hours after appearing on the Alex Jones “Info Wars” show.  That is thought control and not just speech control, so I expect that as I visit a variety of officially unacceptable web sites and write for one with those columns appearing on many more, I must be in those crosshairs as soon as the systems are fully implemented.  And Microsoft’s Bing search engine is already admittedly censoring searches and you should not forget that their engine is based on Google searches and that it is the Chinese Communists driving this technology and mass censorship.  Those monkeys are in just about everything now. 

But, of course, all of this new technology is not ready for prime time yet, therefore the continual testing to iron out the bugs before it goes prime time.  Sometimes a monkey falls off of the glob that is being pulled out of the barrel such as the seeming contradiction of replacing actual fake money with totally ghosted fiat junk as we spoke of on May 6th concerning the frail at best crypto systems planned.  Yes, there are many failures already and they will eventually be replaced along with replacing actual cash with only the New World Orders official crypto version to be used only as the overlords allow.  And those monkeys in China are already building their own version of block chain crypto with the intent of the whole world using it as the basis for a new stable world currency to replace the intentional destruction of the US Petro Dollar.  And of course, that monkey is in trouble with the announcement, or rather warning that widespread summer blackouts must be expected as they kill off the reliable carbon fuel based power plants with the solar and wind farcical dreams.  Crypto uses a heck of a lot of electricity and needs fully reliable power as well as a fully reliable internet to keep things running while those monkeys are slipping off of the power glob being pulled out of the barrel. 

Another draw of the monkeys from the barrel will pull up Iran that the Ice Age Farmer reported as already rolling out digital food rationing as the ONLY way to get food (so far only using subsidized prices).  And another monkey is Biden saying nothing as Iran takes more hostages and his obsession with the Obama nuke deal with them.  As we have heard for a few years now, Iran is still reported as being only weeks or days from having enough fissile material to make their first nuclear weapon.  Funny how those couple weeks can stretch out to many years but those are magic monkeys we are playing with.  I think the more important portion of that group of monkeys is the Biden approved and even brokered deal for Russia to get billions to build nuclear reactors in Iran with another monkey being China doing the same.  It appears that Iran got the bulk of American iron left in Afghanistan with China and Russia getting the higher tech samples to reverse engineer as American tech is still by far the world’s best, especially military tech.  With a visit by top Chinese dignitaries to Iran, “Both Iran and China did not hide and spoke of a front against the United States and against their "hegemony."”  You can bet on it.

The new world Axis of power includes not only Russia and China, but Iran and perhaps India and others.  Remember that all of these things are closely related, they are not separate news items; they are all linked like those little plastic monkey arms are linked as a chain of interconnected DELIBERATE actions.   But to be fair, it is not just Obama’s old Iran nuke deal, it is far worse with the US actually helping to fund the Iranian nuke program indirectly through Russia and China.  And do not believe the sanctions bull that the news has been spouting off about – this new deal will allow Putin to circumvent sanctions on Iran’s path to nuclear weapons, which would make Biden the world’s number on funder of terrorism in the world as Ted Cruz said.   The Biden regime is actively partnering with Putin while at the same time screaming about war with them.  Sanctions against them have hurt their economy, but the Ruble is getting stronger and stronger as the collar declines rapidly.  Russia is not in the world of hurt that we were told they would be as the deliberate “work around’s” to the sanctions actually is increasing their strength.  Things are NOT what they seem, and Putin is working as he has been directed by the Powers That Be just as the incompetent puppet led by Obama is.  One monkey is attached to the other and to another and so on.  Remember those pallets of cash?  Obama made friends with those fellow Muslims with yet another attached monkey arm.  The real Russian collusion is Biden and Putin building up Iran to help in their war on America.

There is so much to be said about the WHO and the WEF and how they help coordinate things and how the US is being destroyed by them with the primary assistance being given by our own government and industrial and financial leaders it would take a few books to go over properly.  But let’s end this one with another string of monkeys – the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization coordinated their yearly main meetings on the same days in May, from the 22nd to the 26th with the WHO moving theirs to coordinate with the WEF.  There is something afoot in this, perhaps to dilute the horrors they present or maybe to confuse the two or perhaps to better spring whatever it is they have planned together.  They do work together and they will both have their own parts to play in the destruction of society so they can 6uild 6ack 6etter in their own evil ways to bring in the fake christ (not to be confused with the return of the Real Christ).  There is much more to come on this topic and we will work on it as stories emerge about what it is they are about to spring on us.  But be aware that all of their monkeys will be linking arms to make them stronger and seem overpowering as ALL THINGS ARE RELATED AND COORDINATED; a sort of Grand Conspiracy Ring to rule them all.  World war is inevitable and must occur soon, the destruction of the most powerful and greatest nation to ever exist is the main goal for the present time as we must be eliminated to allow the furtherance of their Satanic plans, and our losing our rights and weapons to defend ourselves is at the top of the list for them and that is why the current regime in power in DC is working so hard to disarm us.  Another monkey we can knock off of their chain of monkeys if we stand and fight with God’s help.

Stay alert and stay safe – God Bless

Retrieved from: 
Globalists Finalize Their "Grand Conspiracy" (

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