Saturday, February 19, 2022

Socialist Darling AOC Avoids Commoners, Flies First-Class From Texas to New York


In this episode of “Socialist Barbie’s Greatest Hits”…

Our program begins, as Fox News host Tucker Carlson shares his observations about New York Magazine’s gushing new book on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-LOON) titled Take Up Space: The Unprecedented AOC, and goes downhill from there. So, how sickening is the book, you ask?

The book opens by comparing the clueless socialist darling to Jesus Christ. It’s that sickening.

Here’s Tucker, in glorious, rare form, as transcribed by PolitiCrossing:

It’s an amazing book. Let’s put it this way: It opens by comparing Ocasio-Cortez to Jesus, and then it suggests that because she once got second place in a high school science competition, she could’ve gone on to win the Nobel prize.

“She’s not just the first woman to represent her congressional district in the state of New York, she’s the first woman in human history to get elected to something and then ‘live fully out loud while female.’ What exactly does that mean? Is it a trans thing? Honestly, we don’t know. She’s definitely loud.”

“But we did understand the next line, ‘the degradations of womanhood are personal to her.’ Well, that’s certainly true. No one has done more personally to degrade American womanhood than Sandy Cortez [Tucker’s “pet” nickname for Socialist Barbie™ (mine)] has. She is living proof that 60 years of feminist liberation did not work. Sandy Cortez is not empowered, she’s neurotic and silly.”

AOC is not only neurotic and silly; she’s a hypocritical, clueless loon, totally devoid of self-awareness, who dreams up ridiculous Shangri-La nonsense, and then sets about foolishly trying to shame America for not living “up” to her ridiculous “standards.” (See: “Green New Deal.”)

Worse, the erstwhile, know-it-all bartender has zero understanding of the workings of the federal government, economics, fiscal responsibility, or macroeconomics — and even less about basic math. 

But, let’s get back to the hypocritical part.

I must say, in feigned defense of Alex from the Bronx™, she’s not the hypocritical Lone Ranger in the Democrat Party, of course, given that the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds, but she is among the loudest and most blatant hypocrites on the liberal-loon stage today. Perfect case in point:

As reported by The New York Post on Saturday, Comrade Ocasio-Cortez ditched the commoners in coach and cozied up to elites (evil rich) in first class on an American Airlines flight last Sunday, avoiding the proletariat altogether, in favor of a spacious seat closer to the cockpit — after a silly little weekend trip to stump for Democrat comrades in the Lone Star state.

A “stunned tipster” who also flew aboard flight AA1405 from Austin to John F. Kennedy International Airport, noted the NY Post, snapped a picture of the socialist darling from her seat, two rows back.

I don’t sense anyone in first-class knew she was there or someone of her celebrity was there. She was also pretty incognito [wearing a large mask that covered half her face.]

I’m pretty sure AOC didn’t “sense” anyone else knew, either.

Very confusing. I mean…

Wait — you don’t ‘spose AOC and her fellow far-left loons spew the silly crap they spew, solely to pander to (and exploit the crap out of) low-information lower- and middle-class voters, do you?

Huh. I never made the connection.

According to NY Post piece, a one-way first-class flight on American Airlines from Austin to New York City on Sunday runs between $400 and $600. Economy flights are $300 to $400 dollars less.

But here’s the thing:

It’s not the difference in the cost between first-class and coach. It’s the reality of what it says about AOC. What it says about all hypocrites on the left [yes, that’s redundant], from silly AOC to Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and other “climate change” alarmists who preach “existential threat to mankind” nonsense, while at the same time cruising around the world in private jets. Different strata than AOC; same degree of hypocrisy.

More, via The Post:

“This is definitely different,” said a person who knew Socialist Barbie AOC early in her political career, adding that she used to fly coach. “There has definitely been a shift in her desires to enjoy the finer things in life.”

And this from a fellow Democrat  in Congress, per NY Post:

She lives above a Whole Foods and drives a Tesla, so she probably feels more at home upfront [in first-class].

Finally, Republican Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis nailed it, accusing AOC of living “a luxury lifestyle while pushing radical policies that would force her constituents to live in squalor.”

Yup. Again, AOC is far from the only socialist hypocrite in the Democrat Party. But she is the loudest.

Socialist Darling AOC Avoids Commoners, Flies First-Class From Texas to New York – RedState

Check out Tucker’s hilarious destruction of “Sandy Cortez.”


More AOC silliness on RedState:

‘Gloom Princess’ AOC Predicts the End of Democracy in the United States

AOC Waxes Pathetic About Whoopi’s Suspension Over Holocaust Remark

AOC Namechecks the Challenger Mission in Embarrassing Self-Own Twee

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