Friday, February 18, 2022

RCMP ESCALATION: Mounted Police on Horseback Trample Handicapped Woman with Walker in the Street


Police are quickly escalating the situation in Ottawa as Trudeau’s crackdown on the trucker convoy continues.

What was once an overwhelmingly peaceful protest, chalked with street hockey and bouncy castles, has become a horror show of tyranny, with police mercilessly beating people and dragging them away for refusing to leave the area.

Several crowd control measures have been employed already, including snipers on rooftops, pepper spray, and batons to try and crush the grassroots uprising that has gridlocked the city for three weeks.

Police have been making arrests and towing vehicles all day.

TRENDING: CRACKDOWN RAMPS UP: Ottawa Police Clash with Truckers As They Make Mass Arrests - Begin Smashing Windows to Forcefully Remove Protesters from Vehicles - (VIDEO)

Despite the massive show of force, countless protesters continue to remain in the protest area, which prompted police to break out more severe tactics. Later in the day, RCMP officers on horseback were sent in to corral the crowd.

In one video, several RCMP officers can be seen ramming their horses into the crowd of protesters as they clear a path for other officers.


In another video, the mounted officers can be seen taking things way too far.

A group of officers on horseback refused to stop or even slow down when they brutally trample a group of protesters who likely didn’t see them coming at all.

The officers just continue moving along as if nothing happened.



What’s even more upsetting about the entire situation is that these officers seem to be doing much more than simply “following orders.”

Some journalists who are on the scene, like the Westphalian Times’ Marie Oaks, have reported seeing the officers “laughing” as they commit their brutal assaults.

As of the latest update from the Ottawa Police, there have been over 100 arrests and almost 2 dozen vehicles that have been towed.

 The Ottawa office of Public Health even tweeted out a notice for people to “turn off Twitter” so that the atrocities can go unseen and be memory holed.

How much further will this go? This is Trudeau’s Tiananmen Square.

Developing story, check back for updates.

RCMP ESCALATION: Mounted Police on Horseback Trample Handicapped Woman with Walker in the Street (VIDEO) (

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