Thursday, February 17, 2022

Massive U-Turn: Austria to Repeal Almost All ‘Corona Apartheid’ Rules Targeting Unvaxxed vs. New Zealand Threatens to Use Military Against Civilian Anti-Mandate Protesters


In what amounts to a seismic u-turn in policy, Austria is to relax all ‘Corona Apartheid’ rules targetting the nation’s unvaccinated, despite having previously promised to keep unjabbed individuals under perpetual lockdown.

Austria’s coalition government has announced that the vast majority of lockdown measures in place in the country — including the almost all “Corona Apartheid” restrictions specifically targeting the nation’s unvaccinated — are to be scrapped from March 5.

This is despite authorities having previously promised that unjabbed individuals would remain under harsh restrictions in perpetuity, with the nation’s then-Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg telling Austrians that the unjabbed would not be able to participate in society until they were inoculated against the Chinese Coronavirus.

However, according to a report by Kronen Zeitung, this threat has not aged well, with the government announcing a roadmap for the relaxation of COVID measures which will see the nation’s unvaccinated once again allowed into bars and restaurants as soon as this Saturday.

Austria to Repeal Almost All 'Corona Apartheid' Rules Targeting Unvaxxed (

The New Zealand Defense Force (NZDF) warned Wednesday it was poised to deploy “Defence Force assets” to Wellington to disband an anti-coronavirus vaccine mandate protest near New Zealand’s parliament building after the rally pushed into its ninth consecutive day.

“An NZDF spokeswoman said discussions on the possible deployment of Defence Force assets remain ongoing, and no decisions have been made,” New Zealand’s Stuff news site reported on February 16.

“Four Defence Force vehicles have arrived in Wellington and are on standby should they be required,” the NZDF spokeswoman confirmed.

“They are being pre-positioned should they be required, but as stated no decisions have been made about their use to assist the towing operation,” she told reporters.

“The four army vehicles travelled to Wellington from Linton and Waiouru on Wednesday,” according to Stuff.

Police stand at the top of steps, seen chalked with protest messages, that lead to Parliament on the ninth day of demonstrations against Covid-19 restrictions in Wellington on February 16, 2022, inspired by a similar demonstration in Canada.

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