Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Hidden Footage Shows Angry Texas Teacher Saying Conservative Christians 'Need to Get COVID and Die'

Over the past couple of years, many public educators have been exposed repeatedly to be the last people you want to entrust your child to. Be they the type trying to push their politics on your child, expose them to radicalized ideologies, convince them to embrace mental illnesses, or even attempt to introduce pedophilia into their thinking, public school has become one of the hottest political battlegrounds.

The hard leftist teachers in Texas, especially, or having a very rough time as the state continues to crack down on radical social conditioning and forbid schools from implementing unnecessary COVID rules.

One teacher at Colleyville Middle School seems to be so upset by the state cracking down on overboard (and ultimately harmful) COVID precautions that she wished death on her political opposites.

Radio show host Dana Loesch was given footage from a family whose child attends the school and secretly filmed a conversation being had by three teachers. Posting the video to her substack, Loesch said the anonymous person who gave her the footage identified the teacher as Lisa Grimes.

Grimes can be seen angrily complaining to the other two teachers that her life is being impacted because of “conservative Christian crap” and that COVID would already be defeated if it wasn’t for them. The other two teachers attempt to change the subject but not before Grimes says that conservative Christians “need to get COVID and die.”

“We have a political system that will not allow us to [inaudible] so we’re vaccinating like the flu … which is, you know … get the flu vaccine if you want but you can’t — don’t ‘tread on me.’ [crosstalk] But it’s too late. It would have had to have been immediate. If we would have done it immediately, it’d already be gone. That’s what’s frustrating. The rest of my life is impacted because of politics? Because of conservative Christian crap? [crosstalk] I’m telling you, those conservative Christians … they need to die … they need to get covid and die.”

Hidden Footage Shows Angry Texas Teacher Saying Conservative Christians 'Need to Get COVID and Die' – RedState 

Democrats have been making political enemies out of the parents of America and 

it hasn’t worked out well for them at all. Political offices are being lost left and right from Virginia to San Francisco, and all because public school educators and leftist politicians seem to think they know better than the parents about what is good for their child.

(READ: Democrats Created a Political Party Far More Dangerous Than the Republicans)

Scenes like this will only fuel the fire to cast Democrats out of positions of power from the school boards on up. Despite the fact that Grimes is simply a teacher, it further casts the left as unstable and unqualified as the group who should be in charge of our children.

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