Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Biden’s Actions Making Putin Very Rich – President Trump Chimes In

Joe Biden’s actions with Ukraine have made Putin richer and Biden look dumber.  Biden again was outmaneuvered and outplayed and America looks even weaker. 

After weeks of Biden claiming that Putin was going to invade Ukraine, Putin yesterday signed an agreement with two Ukrainian republics who announced their independence and Putin didn’t fire a shot.

Biden’s actions look ridiculous now after Putin takes advantage of both Obama and Biden again and engulfs a portion of Ukraine.  During the Obama years Putin took over Crimea, now its eastern Ukraine.

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The problem with Biden’s actions in response is that Putin will only get richer.  Putin’s Russia has massive oil reserves and stashes of gold.  If either of these commodities goes up, Putin makes money.  Unfortunately, Biden’s actions may force this to happen.

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