A “Let’s Go, Brandon!” themed vessel took home Best In Show at the annual Yorktown Foundation holiday boat parade this past weekend only to be stripped of it’s title just hours later.
The winner was a real beauty. A 50-foot boat decked out with American flags, a Christmas tree, and “FJB” and “Let’s Go Brandon” in big bright lights for all the world to see.
Unfortunately, it sounds like the foundation got cold feet after word eventually got out and the urge to publicly apologize became way too strong.
Local paper, The Virginian-Pilot, covered the controversy:
“Let’s go, Brandon” — a boat bedecked with a coded insult to President Joe Biden — won the Yorktown Lighted Boat Parade contest Saturday evening. At least initially.
Hours after the festive event, the Yorktown Foundation, the non-profit organization that sponsors the parade, disqualified the winning vessel for its “overt political message” and stripped it of its award.
The well-lit 50-foot vessel also featured “FJB” in white lights, an apparent reference to “F— Joe Biden,” the stadium chant that gave rise to the “Let’s go, Brandon” euphemism.
A member of the Yorktown Foundation’s board of directors, Walt Akers, apologized to the community and event sponsors Monday for what he called “a huge mistake.”
“We profoundly apologize for what happened, and we deeply regret that this happened at all,” Akers said. “And we’re going to take actions to make sure it doesn’t happen in the future.”
How embarrassing must it be, to be the guy who has to issue the Foundation’s public statement?
Not because you messed up or anything like that.
Because “Let’s Go Brandon” is the absolute hottest thing going right now and everyone knows it. Everyone.
They know Joe Biden is about as popular as hemorrhoids but they have to defend him anyways.
The Virginian-Pilot continues:
At Saturday’s event, some shoreline spectators joined the boat crew in the “Let’s go, Brandon” chant as the vessel passed. But others were angered that organizers allowed politics to overshadow a long running Yorktown Christmas event.
“It just breaks the spirit that this happened,” said York County resident Teri Hodson, who attended the event. “It was disheartening.”
Earlier that evening, Hodson said, she was among families with children at the bonfire, with people dressed up for the the holiday festivities “and I thought, how blessed am I?”
Those feelings ended when she saw the boat.
“That sentiment on that boat lit up in lights — F Joe Biden — was the antithesis of the Christmas spirit,” she said, adding that people had to explain to their children what the “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan meant.
I wonder if the parents who complained about the “Let’s Go Brandon” boat this weekend, ever complain about the anti-Trump filth polluting media and society on a daily basis.
How did you explain Kathy Griffin holding a replica of Donald Trump’s bloody, severed head to your children?
Or any of the dozens of other Hollyweirdos who’ve lost their minds over Orange Man.
Now, we’re all hypocritical to some degree. Let’s be fair.
But my goodness, when it comes to shameless psychological projection, the left is completely incapable of swallowing a spoonful of their own medicine.
Not only is this foundation trapped from a public opinion standpoint, but they are handcuffed financially as well.
As The Virginian-Pilot goes on to talk about, the Yorktown Foundation is also tax-exempt.
Any perception of politics could jeopardize their 501(c)(3) status.
I’m sure the board doesn’t want that.
If the IRS can shakedown Conservatives with one hand tied behind their back, what do you think they can do to one of their own who allows the great Joe Biden to be mocked in public?
Hear the Captain’s message on this local news story:
Just look at that Beauty!
PS – I laughed SO hard at how apologetic that Yorktown Foundation guy was. He was full panic mode.