Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Former Navy Seal D.J. Shipley Talks About An Insane Raid In Africa, Details Horrible Injuries

Former Navy SEAL D.J. Shipley recently did a podcast for the ages about what combat is like.

Shipley, who served for 17 years in the United States military, spoke with Shawn Ryan about a raid around the Horn of Africa to capture a high value target responsible for the mall massacre in Kenya. Without giving away too many details, the former SEAL Team 6 operator explained that the intel on the target turned out to be less than stellar and instead of facing minimal resistance, they were met with heavy fighting. 

On the way out, Shipley suffered serious injuries to both his shoulders and his legs. However, the most impressive part was that despite all the ammo and grenades thrown at them, they didn’t lose a guy.

“It was like God came down and said, ‘Not today,'” Shipley explained during the interview when talking about how they survived.

You can listen to his full comments on the insane raid below.

You can watch the entire interview below.

As I said about Rob O’Neill after interviewing him, it’s insane to me that people like this exist and that they’re on our side.

These dudes hardly seem like they’re human. They’re so badass that it’s hard to put into words. He suffered multiple serious injuries while being exfiltrated from the raid and talks about it like it’s a math problem.

They’re simply cut from a different kind of cloth.

Thank God warriors like D.J. Shipley, Rob O’Neill and all the other brave men like him exist. The world is full of bad people, and it’s good people like them that make sure the jackals can’t feast on the innocent.

Former Navy Seal D.J. Shipley Talks About An Insane Raid In Africa, Details Horrible Injuries | The Daily Caller

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