Thursday, December 23, 2021

Archbishop of Canterbury Says the Unvaccinated Are Immoral; It’s Not Following the Example of Jesus


In a sit-down interview with Julie Etchingham of ITV News, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby implied that Jesus would want his followers to take the COVID-19 injection.

Welby commented that taking the COVID-19 jab is to “love one another, as Jesus said.”

He suggested that individuals who refuse this medical experiment are immoral and not loving their neighbor as Jesus would want.

Welby reiterated that getting vaccinated and boosted is how we love our neighbors.

It’s the Christmas season, and Welby implies that receiving an mRNA gene therapy injection is the best gift to your neighbors.

How about we just love our neighbors and not worry about their private medical information?

That would be much better advice from a political puppet masquerading as a religious figurehead.

Archbishop Welby’s reprehensible comments about the experimental COVID-19 injections aren’t the first time he’s found himself broiled in controversy.

Earlier this year, he caught severe pushback comparing inaction against climate change to Nazi genocide.

Daily Mail noted:

The archbishop has waded into a number of political controversies in recent years.

Last month, he was forced to apologise after saying that failure to strike a climate change deal at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow would lead to a ‘genocide’ worse than that committed by the Nazis.

Mr Welby had given a series of interviews to broadcasters, and in one he told the BBC leaders will be ‘cursed’ if they don’t reach agreement on climate change in the next fortnight.

He said failure to act would allow ‘a genocide on an infinitely greater scale’ than was committed by Hitler’s regime.

But before the footage was even aired he tweeted in a desperate bid to defuse the backlash.

‘I unequivocally apologise for the words I used when trying to emphasise the gravity of the situation facing us at Cop26,’ he wrote.

And in April, the archbishop was accused of ‘jumping on a woke bandwagon’ after claiming that being a royal is like serving ‘life without parole’ – in words that appeared to signal his support for Harry and Meghan over Buckingham Palace.

During last night’s, it was noted that the Queen has cancelled the traditional pre-Christmas lunch with her extended family and will spend December 25 at Windsor rather than at Sandringham as a ‘precautionary’ measure.

Mr Welby said: ‘She’s had to curtail her own wishes for Christmas and she’ll have just done it because it’s the right thing to do – that’s the example to follow.’

Go to ITV News to watch the full interview:

ITV News added Welby’s comments about the COVID-19 injections:

So what about the vaccines then? He tweeted recently that getting the booster is how you love your neighbour. Is being vaccinated a moral issue? “I’m going to step out on thin ice here and say yes, I think it is. A lot of people won’t like that – but I think it is because it’s not about me and my rights.

“Obviously there are some who for health reasons can’t be vaccinated – but it’s not about me and my rights to choose.

“Reducing my chances of getting ill reduces my chances of infecting others. It’s very simple. “So is it a sin – is it immoral – not to get vaccinated if you can? “I’m not going to get lured into this because I can see this going back at me for years to come. But I would say – go and get boosted – get vaccinated. It’s how we love our neighbour”

And what of the anti-vaccination protestors? “I’m really puzzled by it. I do know some of the scientists who are working on this – they’re not evil people. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s not a plot.

“They are not bad people – they are in really difficult circumstances and giving us their best advice. Trust them. They know what they are doing better than we do.”

I’ll offer some advice to Archbishop Welby.

Stop worrying about which pharmaceutical drugs other people want or don’t want inside their bodies.

It’s none of your business, and nobody needs your blasphemous statements that getting an experimental mRNA injection is something Jesus would do. 

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