Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Media Smears Truck Driver Who Won Senate Race as Racist for Accurately Describing Mohammed as a "Pedophile"

Nobody expected Edward Durr, a New Jersey truck driver, who spent $135 on his campaign, to oust Stephen Sweeney, the union thug serving as President of the New Jersey State Senate. 

Now the media is whining that it wasn't paying enough attention to the race to start smearing the truck driver early on to prevent the upset.

When AOC won a race against an establishment figure, the media cheered her as a giant slayer, but Edward Durr is being denounced as, what else, a racist, for... calling Mohammed a pedophile.

How the media missed a New Jersey senate candidate’s racist social media posts — until he’d already won. - Washington Post

It's tragic when the media misses a chance to rig an election for the Dems or lefties with a smear campaign.

“Mohammed was a pedophile!” he wrote in 2019 in a tweet that also described Islam as “a false religion” and “a cult of hate.” 

Mohammed had sex with a 6-year-old. Muslims can quibble about exactly how young the girl was when he molested her. Was she 6, 7 or 9? But either way, Mohammed was a pedophile. And a serial rapist who took multiple sex slaves. ISIS based its crimes around his actions.

Anyone who finds ISIS repulsive and evil should have the same response to Mohammed.

The Washington Post doesn't bother to discuss this.

Also it reveals that Durr had other horrifying views such as...

He also denigrated Vice President Harris on Facebook, writing that she had earned her position only as a result of her race and gender.

Biden picked Kamala because he had committed to choosing a black woman. This is what literally happened. Here's a Washington Post headline...

Joe Biden pressed again to name a black woman as his running mate - Washington Post

Did this not happen?

Is it racist to point out that Biden committed to picking a black woman and then picked a black woman who then earned her position because her Indian mother had hooked up with a visiting foreign student who later returned to his home country?

His incendiary posts date back to at least 2017, when he called U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) a “pedophile” — one of two times he did so, according to

Why would Durr say such an inexplicable thing?

Sen. Robert Menendez may have had sex with underage hookers in Dominican Republic: prosecutors - New York Daily News

This "incendiary" post is a news report about allegations put forward by prosecutors in 2017. The media claims that they're not true and once the Democrat Senate member survived his trial and became his party's nominee, the media circled the wagons on the allegations.

At no point in time does the Washington Post bother to tell its readers that Durr was restating an allegation made by federal prosecutors in blunt language. 

Or is the word "pedophile" that the Post has so much of a problem with?

Media Smears Truck Driver Who Won Senate Race as Racist for Accurately Describing Mohammed as a "Pedophile" | Frontpagemag

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