Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Elon Musk Exposes The UN’s Alleged Sex Crimes Against Children


The world’s richest man with a net worth of about $280 billion absolutely exposed the United Nations World Food Program.

It all started when the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk was tagged in a tweet with a screenshot of a CNN article that stated if Musk was to hand over 2% of his wealth then world hunger would be solved.

Musk replied to the tweet by saying “If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it”.

The World Food Program Chief than responded to Musk’s tweet saying that a donation from Musk could put a dent into world’s hunger but that’s when Musk dropped the hammer.

Musk silenced the WFP Chief by tweeting “what happened here” and included a link from an Express article which headline read “Starving children ‘as young as NINE forced to give UN officials oral sex to get food’

Here’s the tweets below:

This is the tweet that silenced everybody!

Here’s what the Express article stated:

Memos about the sexual abuse in the Central African Republic were “passed from desk to desk, inbox to inbox, across multiple UN offices, with no one willing to take responsibility”, the report found.

It added: “The welfare of the victims and the accountability of the perpetrators appeared to be an afterthought, if considered at all.”

The investigation revealed that French peacekeepers from the UN’s children agency, UNICEF, failed to act on reports of sexual abuse in early 2014 in the midst of civil war.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed “profound regret that these children were betrayed by the very people sent to protect them” and said he accepted the panel’s broad findings.

The UN Secretary-General said children were betrayed by the very people sent to protect them
No one has been arrested more than a year and a half after UN authorities were made aware of the sexual abuse allegations.

Four French soldiers were questioned last week and released without charge. It took almost a year for UN staff to respond to allegations of rape by six children. One child reported he had been “orally and anally raped.”

The United Nations even covered up the sexual abuse until a whistle blower came forward.

How did the UN respond to the whistleblower exposing UN soldiers of allegedly sexually assaulting children, well they suspended the whistleblower.

 The Guardian had more on the story which took place 6 years ago:

A senior United Nations aid worker has been suspended for disclosing to prosecutors an internal report on the sexual abuse of children by French peacekeeping troops in the Central African Republic.

Sources close to the case said Anders Kompass passed the document to the French authorities because of the UN’s failure to take action to stop the abuse. The report documented the sexual exploitation of children as young as nine by French troops stationed in the country as part of international peacekeeping efforts.

Kompass, who is based in Geneva, was suspended from his post as director of field operations last week and accused of leaking a confidential UN report and breaching protocols. He is under investigation by the UN office for internal oversight service (OIOS) amid warnings from a senior official that access to his case must be “severely restricted”. He faces dismissal.

The treatment of the aid worker, who has been involved in humanitarian work for more than 30 years, has taken place with the knowledge of senior UN officials, including Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, the high commissioner for human rights, and Susana Malcorra, chef de cabinet in the UN, according to documents relating to the case.

The abuses took place in 2014 when the UN mission in the country, Minusca, was in the process of being set up.

Maybe next time both CNN and the UN will stop trying to guilt trip people into making donations to sketchy programs.



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