Tuesday, November 2, 2021



When I see, hear, or even experience an injustice I will speak openly and honestly about it, it’s called freedom of speech. It would be far easier for me to just ‘toe the line’ as it were and live a normal life, but that’s not who I am.
I went to a newly opened restaurant called Wing Kingz in Milton Keynes, my son wanted to go as a friend of his wanted to go with him, so as a father, I took my son and three other 12 year olds to this restaurant for some food and check the place out.
I was originally greeted and given a table to sit on with the kids, but then, a staff member noticed ‘who I was’ and then things changed very quickly. My ‘greeting’ suddenly turned into an ideological attack on my and the kids. I was suddenly no longer welcome, neither were the kids.
As someone who has strong views that tend to go against pro government neo-Marxist narratives I expect to be challenged in the marketplace of ideas, what I don’t expect is flat out DISCRIMINATION and REFUSAL of service based on my perceived political and/or ideological leanings.
When staff at that business to put on their neo-Marxist ideological hats and refuse me and my kids service it becomes a problem. It seems to me that this ‘black and Asian owned business’ champion the diversity of colour, just not the diversity of opinion, and if you don’t have an acceptable opinion then its perfectly fine to DISCRIMINATE against me AND my kids.
Just imagine for one second if the roles were reversed. Imagine some neo-Marxist/black nationalist person of colour like Kehinde Andrews walking into a white owned restaurant with his children and being refused service (after being given a table to sit at) because some fragile white staff members don’t like his opinions.
What do you think would happen?
I’d say that it would soon be considered an act of DISCRIMINATION (which it would be) and an act of RACISM, and the left-wing press would be all over it like a rash. The woke cancel culture cultists would stop at nothing to destroy that business in the defence of a ‘person of colour’.
And therein lies the HYPOCRICY!!!
Its ok to DISCRIMINATE against a white man who has called out the BLM neo-Marxist narrative for what it is, its ok to DISCRIMINATE against a white man for exposing the intolerance and hatred contained in Islamic texts, but, as a person of colour, you get a pass, its not discrimination if you do it, its not racism if you do it, because that’s the upside down virtue signalling neo Marxist woke cancel culture world we live in today.
Well, as you may well know, I’m not going to let this slide, and neither should you. Because the owners of Wing Kings have called each and every singe one of you RACISTS!!!

If you have eaten at this restaurant and want to express your opinion about their DISCRIMINATORY POLICIES, their food or their ‘service’ then feel free to write a review on any of the links below.
You can write a google review here - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wing+Kingz/@52.0414466,-0.7513635,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4877aba635e23fa1:0xceaddb76f7e0e3a9!8m2!3d52.0414466!4d-0.7491748 
There is more to come on this story so stay tuned!!!
As always, I want to thank each and every singe one of you for your continued support, together we can and MUST push against the Islamofascist and Neo-Marxist agenda wherever and whenever we see it rear its ugly head.

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