Saturday, November 13, 2021

Austria Imposes New Lockdown — Only Targets Unvaccinated

Beginning Monday, Austrian authorities will be going forward with a lockdown that exclusively targets the unvaccinated in two regions with reportedly rising COVID-19 cases.

Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg on Friday announced that unvaccinated individuals who live in the regions of Upper Austria and Salzburg will only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons, such as grocery shopping or doctor’s appointments.

Schallenberg declared that he and other Austrian leaders will reconvene on Sunday to finalize the implementation next week.

“The aim is very clear: that we give the green light this Sunday for a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated,” the chancellor said.

At a separate news conference on Friday, Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein said that the government will mandate vaccination for health care workers, though he did not specify when the measure will be implemented.

Last week, the Austrian government enacted restrictions banning the unvaccinated from attending recreational venues such as salons, restaurants, theaters and bars.

“A lockdown for the unvaccinated means one cannot leave one’s home unless one is going to work, [essential] shopping, stretching one’s legs—namely exactly what we all had to suffer through in 2020,” Schallenberg said Thursday. He also called the country’s 65 percent vaccination rate “shamefully low.”

On Friday, Austria reported detecting more than 12,000 new cases of COVID-19 in the prior 24 hours.

European countries are returning to lockdowns amid a surge in infections. The Netherlands, for example, is going back to lockdown mode even though 82 percent of the population has been vaccinated. Germany is asking people to stay away from large events.

There have been many cases of individuals dying suddenly after getting the COVID-19 injection. As The New American reported, a healthy 15-year-old boy from Santa Rosa, California, died two days after receiving a Pfizer shot on June 7.

According to the Death Investigation Synopsis Report:

The decedent was found unresponsive in his bedroom after his mother was checking on his welfare long after he was supposed to wake in the morning. The decedent was pronounced dead at the scene due to obvious death. The decedent had been in good health with no medical history and had received his second Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccination approximately two days before his death.

Former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon has raised the alarm about the vaccine manufactured by Pfizer and others, pointing to the “statistically huge increases in collapsing / dying fit sportspeople” among those who have taken the vaccine. A TNA article by Veronika Kyrylenko specifically lists many athletes, individuals in prime physical condition, who have either died or experienced serious health issues after being vaccinated.

Joe Biden has attempted to mandate the vaccine for anyone in America working at a company with over 100 employees, though the Fifth Circuit Court placed a temporary stay on OSHA’s enforcement of that mandate on Nov. 6, and the court reaffirmed that stay on Friday.

The court said the mandate “exposes [petitioners] to severe financial risk” and “threatens to decimate their workforces (and business prospects).”

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has mandated the vaccine for students in middle and high school. It remains to be seen whether that will be expanded to elementary now that the vaccine has been approved for children ages 5-11.

And vaccine proponents want to administer the shot to children even younger. Moderna is currently testing the vaccine on children as young as six months old. The trial is at 81 locations across 30 states on some 13,275 healthy children between six months and 12 years old.

Harvard Medical School epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff is one of many voices disagreeing with vaccines for children, stating that while children are “about as likely to be infected as adults,” there is also “more than a thousand-fold difference in mortality risk between the old and the young.”

Some states, at least, have taken an approach opposite to California’s. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis this week unveiled several bills intended to neutralize the White House’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employers.

During a news conference, DeSantis announced his four bills, which would also call on the governor’s office to look into ways to create Florida’s own version of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as eliminate existing language in Florida law that empowers the surgeon general to call for a vaccine mandate.

The battle between vaccine tyranny and freedom has become one of the defining issues throughout the world today.

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