Special friends of the Soros family in recent years have included ex-Federal Chancellor Christian Kern (SPÖ), ex-Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), ex-Mayor of the City of Vienna Michael Häupl (SPÖ) and, last but not least, the incumbent Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig (SPÖ). The latter even awarded George Soros the Great Decoration of Honor in Gold for Services to the State of Vienna in 2019.

On November 8, Alexander Soros met with the Federal Chancellor and according to Soros Junior, on his Twitter profile, the two discussed the deteriorating situation in the Western Balkans and the future of the CEU– the Central European University.

In 2017– after Hungary banned the Soros University CEU from the country due his constant destabilization intentions (he had already plunged several states into deep crises and often benefited economically) – ex-Chancellor Christian Kern (SPÖ) advocated for the relocation of CEU to Vienna.

The contract was concluded together with ex-mayor Michael Häupl. At the expense of taxpayers, the Otto Wagner Hospital was also rebuilt for this purpose. Soros scholars now have access to a luxurious, expensive private university in Vienna.

Ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and ÖVP boss, for some time now has only been communicating in English on Twitter, regardless of whether Austrians understand him or not. It was “great” to “reconnect” with his “long-time friend” Alexander Soros. According to visuals of the meeting, the two met in a cozy hotel room. Austrians must be wondering why their “academic life” will be in English from now on, especially because their own language has already served them well for many centuries.

While the Austrians do not know much about their new Foreign Minister Michael Linhart (ÖVP), he is also acquainted with Alexander Soros. It is “good” to meet Austria’s new foreign minister, explained Alex Soros on Instagram.

Bad timing for a fresh lockdown?

Only days after the visit allegedly to discuss “border issues”, the Austrian government announced that it intended to enforce strict lockdowns for 3,1 million Austrians who are not fully vaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. Covid-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences.

“According to the incremental plan, we actually have just days until we have to introduce the lockdown for unvaccinated people,” Schallenberg announced during a Thursday press conference. These restrictions mean “one cannot leave one’s home unless one is going to work, shopping (for essentials), stretching one’s legs – namely exactly what we all had to suffer through in 2020.”

But Austria has a higher jab rate than the US. “With a 62,7 percent vaccination rate, Austria not only has a higher rate than the US, but most of the population has been vaccinated relatively recently, which should give those people better protection. Yet the country is experiencing its most prolific outbreak ever, as we are seeing across the globe, with a near-perfect inverse relationship between vaccination rates and Covid case rates,” Daniel Horowitz noted.

But instead of questioning vaccination, the Austrian leaders are doubling down.

From Monday, the government in Upper Austria is planning a lockdown for the unvaccinated which includes those people only partially vaccinated too. Upper Austria’s governor Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) called the situation “dramatic”.

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) also demanded lockdowns for the unvaccinated in Upper Austria. The statements of Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP) are also clear and speak for a lockdown of the unvaccinated: “The time of solidarity with those who do not want to be vaccinated for flimsy reasons has expired. We can and vaccinated people will not give up their freedoms because a minority consistently and without medical reason refuses protective measures and vaccinations. That would be unfair and also lack solidarity with everyone else.”

Experimental jabs violate the Nuremberg Code

The chairman of the FPÖ, Herbert Kickl, has been increasingly critical of the Corona measures in recent weeks, in particular a lockdown for unvaccinated people. FPÖ member Michael Schnedlitz even called for an uprising against the planned measures in a video. Under the motto “Welcome to the dictatorship”, he opposed the restrictions and described the government as dictatorial. Vaccination remains a personal choice, he said.

Critics of the government’s mandatory vaccination policy regularly state that it violates the Nuremberg Code. In August 1947, the American military tribunal listed ten items in its ruling on German Nazi doctors under the section entitled “Permitted Medical Attempts”, which later became known as the “Nuremberg Code”.

While proponents of vaccination policy claim that the vaccines are approved preparations and therefore not an experiment, critics have pointed out that even the future German Chancellor Olaf Scholz or pro-government virologists like Alexander Kekulé have spoken of a global “experiment”.

Austria declares war on unvaccinated only days after a Soros visit (freewestmedia.com)