Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Actors Kevin Sorbo and John Schneider share how they broke free of Hollywood brainwashing

 Tuesday, November 16, 2021 by: 

Image: Actors Kevin Sorbo and John Schneider share how they broke free of Hollywood brainwashing – Brighteon.TV

(Natural News) Actors Kevin Sorbo and John Schneider shared how they woke up from Hollywood brainwashing during the Nov. 11 episode of “America Unhinged” with host John Diamond on Brighteon.TV.

Sorbo first gained popularity through the television series “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys,” where he played the title character. Meanwhile, Schneider was well-known to American audiences as Bo Duke from “The Dukes of Hazzard.”

Unfortunately, Sorbo fell victim to Hollywood cancel culture because of his conservative and pro-life views. He said during an April 2021 interview: “You’ve got to be ready to bite your lip more than ever in the climate that’s going on in America … [and] in the world, because you’ve got this ‘woke’ thing.”

“[We also got] this cancel culture where people are coming after you, and it can tear you down for something you said 30 years ago, which is insane to me. What does it say in the Bible? ‘He without sin [should] cast the first stone,'” Sorbo added.

The “Hercules” star’s cancellation served as a blessing in disguise. Sorbo told Diamond: “Hollywood pretty much booted me out, [so] I sort of [dived] into this world [of] doing movies with more of a positive attitude. I started doing more movies that had a positive message, because you see a lot of [bad] stuff come out of Hollywood,” he told Diamond. “Look, I’m not a prude in any way – but I’m looking at some of these movies [and] I don’t want my kids watching this stuff.”

According to Sorbo, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has awakened people about what is happening in the world.

“I think the one blessing in COVID … [is that] we’ve woken up millions of people across the country … [and] the world to realize what’s going on with government overstretching [its] boundaries, what’s going on with our public schools [and] everything. So we’re working on the good fight right now,” Sorbo said.

“I don’t want to wake up the sheep. I want to wake up the lions; we need to wake up the lions out there. That’ll [cause a] domino effect. Because people [have] got to stop being cowed into living in a world of fear. We need to start waking up, fighting the good fight, and not be afraid.”

The “Hercules” star said he will keep on doing what he needs to do. “Hollywood canceled me because I came out of that box. They scream for tolerance and free speech, but it’s a one-way street for them.” (Related: An actor with a soul: Kevin Sorbo says “Abortion is the definition of EVIL”.)

John Schneider: Hollywood is a “propaganda machine”

Diamond said: “We need to take back Hollywood. We need to understand that Hollywood is not just making movies. They are intentionally trying to change people’s minds … and control a narrative because a lot of people won’t watch the news … [and] they’re not in school anymore, so they still got to have ways to influence people.”

Schneider agreed with the Brighteon.TV host. He said: “You know folks, Hollywood is a propaganda machine. As long as you agree with the propaganda, then it’s OK. However, it has been unpoliced for a very long time under the guise of freedom of speech. So now, they’ve been allowed for the last couple of decades to run with whatever sort of message they want to run with – and no one dares challenge them.”

He and Diamond also touched on cancel culture, which Sorbo also experienced. Back in July 2020, Schneider defended “The Dukes of Hazzard” from woke leftist attacks. Calls to cancel the program occurred amid Black Lives Matter protests calling for Confederate icons to be removed across the country. (Related: Warner Bros. pursues revisionist history to remove Confederate flag from Dukes of Hazzard car.)

Leftists wanted to cancel the show for having a Confederate flag painted on the General Lee – the Dukes’ trademark vehicle. “I have never had an African American come up to me and have any problem with it whatsoever. The whole politically correct generation has gotten way out of hand,” Schneider said at the time.

Diamond pointed out that celebrities who choose to make movies that carry pro-faith, pro-family and pro-America themes often find themselves on the receiving end of cancel culture. “I know this [Hollywood] blackballing now has happened with people like Kevin Sorbo, Mel Gibson and anybody that does anything even remotely positive about the founding of this nation and where we go,” he said.

But just like Sorbo, the “Dukes of Hazzard” star said being canceled is a blessing in disguise. He said: “What’s happening is people are no longer allowing you to play in a sandbox that you have no business to be in any way. But when you are canceled from this lunacy, I would get on my knees and thank God that I no longer have to try to comply with things I disagree with.

“I’m not someone who has ever been malleable. I’m not someone who has ever believed in compliance, or even compromise. I believe [people] were put here by God for a very specific reason that only they know. I don’t know what your purpose is. I have a lifetime to figure out and work toward mine. I don’t have time to get involved in your design.

“Being canceled … shouldn’t be a surprise, because they know that any light can eliminate darkness, right? You cannot overpower light. You can’t put darkness into light to eliminate it. However, you can put a little bit of light in darkness – and eliminate it all together.”

Watch the full Nov. 11 episode of “America Unhinged” with Kevin Sorbo and John Schneider at the video below. Tune in to “America Unhinged” with John Diamond from Monday to Friday at 9-10 a.m. on Brighteon.TV. has more articles about celebrities breaking free of the Hollywood brainwashing.

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