Monday, October 11, 2021

Threatens To Arrest Students For Being Unvaccinated

Turning Point USA obtained an email sent to the unvaccinated students by school officials claiming that they pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the University community.

“I am writing to you on behalf of Student Conduct Services at the Student Resolution Center because information provided to our office by the Pandemic Preparedness Team indicates you have not submitted your proof of vaccination or requested an exemption,” wrote Michael Katz, Director at the Student Resolution Center.“Since your non-compliance with this requirement poses a threat to the safety and well-being of the University community, the following interim measure applies to you: Effective immediately, you are trespassed from all University property until May 16, 2022,” he added. “This means you are not permitted to be on any University property or in any University buildings; this includes but is not limited to residence halls, university apartments, dining halls, in-person classes, the Morgan Library, the rec center, and the Lory student center. Please note that faculty are not required to make alternative arrangements for the student to complete their course work away from campus while you are trespassed from campus.”If you are found on university property or in any university building, you may be cited or arrested for trespassing and face further disciplinary action,” Katz

Colorado State University has one of the strictest vaccination requirements anywhere in the country, despite the fact that the university has a high vaccination rate. 87.5 percent of students at the university have already been vaccinated, while 4.9 percent of faculty members have gotten the shot, a threshold that the WHO reported constitutes herd immunity.

This comes one week after Colorado State University President Joyce McConnell tested positive for COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated since March. The Collegian reported that she emailed students to claim that she is “feeling absolutely fine” and that she believes the COVID-19 vaccine helped lessen her symptoms.

“Together, by getting vaccinated, masking while indoors, getting tested, and isolating or quarantining when needed, we have made a huge difference in the health of our community,” McConnell said.

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