Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Sinking Ship: Nets Avoid Kamala Hiring Child Actors to Pose With Her in Space Vid

Just as they were ignoring her mishandling – or lack of handling – of the southern border crisis (amid a litany of other duties), the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) avoided covering Vice President Kamala Harris’s latest embarrassment: hiring child actors to play the role of kids interested in going to space and careers in the sciences for a YouTube video.

Funnier yet, the kids were hired through a company called Sinking Ship Entertainment.

You cannot make this up!

The U.K.-based Daily Mail was one of the outlets that had the story on Monday but the networks weren’t interested. Instead, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News were all busy gushing about how Paul McCartney was blaming John Lennon for breaking up the Beatles.

And on Tuesday, those same broadcasts spent time decrying Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order banning vaccine mandates.

Again, it was up to the television network that wasn’t beholden to the Biden administration to share the embarrassing truth. “The White House is denying Vice President Kamala Harris's office hired child actors for a video about space exploration. But child actors are in that video,” announced Special Report anchor Bret Baier on Fox News Channel.

Adding: “This comes as Harris makes plans to increase her visibility on the midterm campaign circuit.”

White House correspondent Peter Doocy highlighted a particularly cringe-worthy soundbite from the YouTube video where the Vice President was telling the actors to be confident in themselves and reach for their dreams:


HARRIS: You tell them who you are and who you know you are and what you intend to be. Got that?

KID: Yes.

“It’s unclear what that child intends to be, but right now he's an actor,” Doocy said. “A Canadian production company, Sinking Ship [Entertainment], apparently held auditions for that shoot at the Naval Observatory.”

And the White House didn’t really deny that they needed to use child actors around Harris. According to a statement to Fox News, they just didn’t do the auditions. “The Vice President's office did not select the kids who participated in the YouTube Originals special,” they said.

In addition to this embarrassment, Doocy showcased her other policy flops:

DOOCY: The Vice President's portfolio includes immigration --

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I think she's the most qualified person to do it.

DOOCY: Which critics say she's too quiet on.

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): I had a rancher yesterday look to me yesterday and he said, “Where’s Kamala?”

DOOCY: Voting rights, which remains stalled despite this promise in June.

BIDEN: With her leadership and your support, we’re going to overcome again.

DOOCY: And space, even though the VP still hasn't convened any meetings of the National Space Council.

“Now, if Harris is going to hit the road on behalf of Democratic candidates it's entirely unclear what she will point to as a win that she delivered. That’s something that could also complicate her political future if the President decides not to run for reelection,” he concluded.

The omission of the obviously embarrassing story for the Vice President was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Hulu on ABC, Vicks on CBS, and Consumer Cellular on NBC. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the biased news they fund.

The transcript is below:

Fox News Channel’s Special Report
October 12, 2021
6:2534 p.m. Eastern

BRET BAIER: The White House is denying Vice President Kamala Harris's office hired child actors for a video about space exploration. But child actors are in that video. This comes as Harris makes plans to increase her visibility on the midterm campaign circuit. White House correspondent Peter Doocy reports tonight the Vice President already has her hands full.

PETER DOOCY: If things aren't going well at the White House, Democratic majorities could soon be in jeopardy and the Vice President knows it, telling donors, quote, “Well, you're talking about 2022. That seems kind of early and maybe it does, but really, it's not.” The Vice President's portfolio includes immigration --

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I think she's the most qualified person to do it.

DOOCY: Which critics say she's too quiet on.

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): I had a rancher yesterday look to me yesterday and he said, “Where’s Kamala?”

DOOCY: Voting rights, which remains stalled despite this promise in June.

BIDEN: With her leadership and your support, we’re going to overcome again.

DOOCY: And space, even though the VP still hasn't convened any meetings of the National Space Council.

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: You tell them who you are and who you know you are and what you intend to be. Got that?

KIDS: Yes.

DOOCY: It’s unclear what that child intends to be, but right now he's an actor. A Canadian production company, Sinking Ship Productions, apparently held auditions for that shoot at the Naval Observatory. But a White House official insists to Fox, quote, “The Vice President's office did not select the kids who participated in the YouTube Originals special.”

HARRIS: Isn't that something?

DOOCY: Joe Biden has been a vice president himself, so when he gave Harris such high-profile assignments, he knew what he was doing.

BIDEN: I said when we became a team, got elected, that the Vice President is going to be the last person in the room. She did realize that means she gets every assignment. [Laughs]

[Cuts back to live]

DOOCY: Now, if Harris is going to hit the road on behalf of Democratic candidates it's entirely unclear what she will point to as a win that she delivered. That’s something that could also complicate her political future if the President decides not to run for reelection. Bret?

BAIER: Peter Doocy in the White House briefing room. Peter, thanks.

Sinking Ship: Nets Avoid Kamala Hiring Child Actors to Pose With Her in Space Vid | Newsbusters

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