Sunday, October 17, 2021

Pelosi Planning To Step Down As Speaker, New Reports Allege

 New reports are coming out stating that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may soon be stepping down from the position.

The Atlantic published a story yesterday claiming that Pelosi is going to resign as Speaker “in the not-so-distant future.”

“Sometime in the not-so-distant future, probably after next year’s midterm elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will announce that she’s stepping down,” the report alleged.

“Her top deputies… aspire to her job, but they’re also in their early 80s, and most Democrats in and out of Congress are counting on them to step aside too. Of course, they all have stock responses denying that anyone is ever going anywhere,” The Atlantic continued. “But the day is coming.”

“Democratic members of Congress won’t talk about any of this publicly, as if Pelosi might suddenly appear and pull their hearts from their chests,” the report added. “Pretty much every Democrat in Congress and beyond is confident that Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York will be the next speaker of the House if Democrats manage to hold on to their majority next year.”

California Globe also tweeted that Pelosi is going to step down after Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) announced that he will resign in a red district.

“@CaliforniaGlobe is now hearing rumors @SpeakerPelosi is strongly considering not running for re-election. ‘No desire to serve in minority’; sources say this explains push for infrastructure deal to be completed during what may be her 18th and final term,” tweeted California Globe.

This comes as Pelosi is under a ton of pressure not to lose her slim House majority.

Earlier this week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted Pelosi as a “dictator” with “no respect for the rule of law.”

“As a former speaker of the House, I think that the U.S. House is very, very, very important,” Gingrich said on Sunday.

“And watching [Pelosi] become a dictator, watching her break every single rule, watching her run things entirely on her own, I think, is the most destructive thing I’ve seen done by any American politician in a very, very long time. And I think that we will see for years from now that problem,” he continued.

It remains to be seen whether or not Pelosi will indeed step down.

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