Friday, October 8, 2021

Joy Behar Demands Black People Trust The COVID Vaccines Because ‘The Experiment Has Been Done On White People’

"White people are getting it. If you don't see them with double heads, it's OK. You know, if you don't see a tail, it's OK."

During a truly bizarre and racist segment on the ABC talk show “The View” this week, co-host Joy Behar claimed that black people don’t need to be afraid of the COVID-19 vaccine anymore because white people did it as an “experiment.”

It all started when co-host Sunny Hostin expressed her shock at the number of Americans who remain unvaccinated, saying that the solution may be “fear.” CDC data states that 56% of Americans are fully vaccinated, while 65% have received one dose. As of October 4, only 46% of black Americans had received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I also remember the ad campaign. This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, with the egg on the street frying. That works. Fear works, unfortunately,” Hostin stated.

That’s when Behar chimed in to say that she doesn’t blame black people for being hesitant to get the vaccine because of the Tuskegee experiments. The U.S. government conducted syphilis experiments on black Americans without their knowing consent.

“How do they get through to people like the black audience, for instance, the African American community, who has been burnt in the past by these Tuskegee experiments and things coming out that have harmed them,” Behar said, according to Yahoo News. “I don’t blame that community for being skittish about it, but I say that so many white people have gotten it now, you know, the experiment has been done on white people now.”

Behar’s co-host Whoopi Goldberg was quick to agree with her.

“I’ve said to more people, ‘Do you see another head at the back of my head? Is there a tail back there?'” she said, seemingly seeing this as proof that the vaccines are safe.

“The Tuskegee experiment, there are countless things we can point to. But this is not one of them,” Goldberg continued. “This isn’t one of them. And did you just say, Joy, white people? This is what I said at the beginning: White people are getting it. If you don’t see them with double heads, it’s OK. You know, if you don’t see a tail, it’s OK.”

Black people are not the only ones who should be hesitant about getting these vaccines, as we truly have no idea how they will affect anybody down the road. The fact that Whoopi Goldberg didn’t grow a tail after getting vaccinated against COVID-19 says nothing about the safety of these vaccines in general.

Joy Behar Demands Black People Trust The COVID Vaccines Because 'The Experiment Has Been Done On White People' (

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