Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Author of 'Handmaid's Tale' accused of transphobia after tweeting article questioning erasure of 'women' from language

The author of the "Handmaid's Tale" faced a backlash from liberal social media users after she posted an article pushing back against the erasure of women in favor of transgender activism.

Margaret Atwood has been celebrated by liberals who compared her dystopian novel to the pro-life movement and America under the Trump administration, but some are turning on her over one tweet.

Atwood posted a link to an article by columnist Rosie DiManno questioning the wisdom of "trans activism run amok" and cites various examples of the word "women" being awkwardly and bizarrely excised from history and modern language.

"Certainly there are words — they are slurs mostly — that are no longer acceptable. 'Woman' shouldn't be one of them," asserted DiManno. "The battleground of language has turned into a baffleground of agendas."

Allies and supporters of the transgender lobby immediately attacked Atwood for tweeting out the politically incorrect article.

"What the f***, Margaret?" read one response.

"Conjuring up an imaginary threat to the word 'women' based on a few examples of people on very specific fields using more technically accurate terminology is a transphobic conspiracy theory," read another response.

"I'm disappointed you shared this because it's factually untrue. We can still say 'woman' & we can also say 'people' when it makes sense to use more inclusive language. I'm nonbinary. I also menstruate and gave birth to 3 kids. Saying 'people with periods' includes women AND me," replied one critic.

"Oh look you're angry language is finally starting to include people like me. Disappointed in you. But not shocked," tweeted another critic.

"How disappointing. I expected better from you," responded another detractor.

"[T]he piece has so much transphobic ideology and language you cannot tell me that you've read this piece and genuinely believe she is not being transphobic," read another.

Others warned people not to read the article at all.

"Reading that article was delightfully dysphoria-inducing, so don't do it," said one activist.

Here's more about the transgender political agenda:

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