On Saturday morning, IFA posted AZ Audit Results Are In: What Do You Think? Just 6 hours after posting, the article over 27,000 intercessors read and commented. But what exactly did the audit reveal? Read on to find out.
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who joined an IFA webcast recently, let the country know what she thinks by stating, “This is our Declaration of Independence. This is our manifesto of freedom.” She unveiled a letter that stated, “If results from these measures prove an inaccurate election was held, as has been shown in Arizona, and is being shown in many other states; then it is clear that certification of many electors was improperly rendered in January 2021 of the November 2020 United States presidential election. We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.”
One IFA commenter, Valentin, wrote, “I know we all have a post-election fight for truth fatigue. But truth and integrity is worth pursuing.”
Another IFA commenter, Diana, stated, “It helped me to handle the results better when I came to understand the following. The forensic audit was not meant to determine who won the election. It was meant to determine where and how the ‘cheating’ took place.”
Audits do not determine if fraud took place, they are, by definition, an “official inspection” of (Maricopa) county’s election by an independent body. They report the findings of anomalies then those in charge of securing election integrity (namely the AZ State legislature) and “we the people” have a responsibility to make judgments through further investigations to determine what is at the root of the anomaly. If fraud is at the root of the outcomes than the people must make their position known to their elected representatives.
The Arizona audit results were reported at 4 PM EST on Friday, September 24. First and foremost, this is “the peoples audit.” It is historic in that this is the first time a full forensic audit of our elections has been conducted anywhere in the U.S. It is vitally important that you take time to watch the report yourself to fully understand the findings so you are informed. The audit was conducted by several highly qualified independent firms and individuals. A brief summary of the major findings are as follows:
Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, M.I.T. PhD., and his team from Echomail, investigated the mail-in ballot envelopes for signature anomalies, including blank signatures and scribbles as well as partial signatures. They found that many blank signature boxes were approved by election officials which would be in violation of election standards and laws.
The most startling finding was something they did not expect in reviewing signatures. His team discovered 34,448 votes from those who voted more than once in the 2020 AZ general election. What this means is at least 17,224 votes were included in the results that should never have been accepted as valid, due to double, or in some cases triple, voting by the same voter. Keep in the mind the Biden margin of victory in Arizona was 10,457 votes.
The next independent auditor to present at the audit was Doug Logan, President of Cyber Ninjas, who was hired by the AZ State Senate to oversee the forensic audit at Veterans Memorial Coliseum located at the State Fairgrounds in Maricopa County. A highlight of his findings includes:
- More than 255,000 early votes shown in the county final vote file lacked a corresponding entry in the early voting returns file.
- More than 9,000 mail-in ballots were received and recorded than the official number of mail-in ballots sent out by the county.
- A canvass showed over 3,400 more ballots were cast than recorded.
- Precincts show 1,551 more ballots cast on election day than people who showed up to vote.
- More than 23,000 voted by mail despite moving to Maricopa County after the October 5 cutoff date.
- 2,382 voters cast votes in Maricopa County, in person, after moving out of the county.
- More than 2,000 voters were given a full ballot instead of a presidential-only ballot because they moved out of Arizona within 29 days before the election in violation of election law.
- Nearly 300 deceased voters may have voted in the election.
- Nearly 2,500 ballots were shown in the early vote returns that do not have a voter listed as casting them.
While conducting an audit, it is critically important the auditors receive complete cooperation from those they are auditing. That did not happen with respect to officials with Maricopa County. There was resistance and obstruction from the very beginning which was documented during the hearing. For example, only recently have they received an agreement to inspect routers which were withheld until after this audit report.
We learned explosive findings from independent auditor, Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR and an expert IT analyst. Cotton shared that Maricopa County deleted a large volume of county election records from the 2020 general election from computer servers just prior to the information being handed over to auditors, a violation of state election law. Thankfully Mr. Cotton was able to report, “We have captured screen shots of Maricopa County people at the keyboards during those time periods.” This implied that his team can identify who deleted the files by matching the time stamps and when people were at their computers. This elicited a cheer from those in the Senate chambers listening to the report.
There is not the space to record all the findings of this audit in this article and we encourage you to watch this audit as if Maricopa County was your county to learn and understand the facts which are being uncovered with respect to threats to our election integrity.
The question remains, what can a state such as Arizona do to decertify an election if fraud influenced the outcome of the election? The Arizona election was determined by just over 10,000 ballots. Governor Doug Ducey has already weighed in with a tweet stating, “no decertification.”
Prior to the audit results being released, AZ Attorney General Ken Behringer sent out a memo to AZ State Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita that asked the question, “Is there a mechanism to decertify a presidential election?” The Behringer memo concluded there is no mechanism to decertify a presidential election outside of 3 U.S.C. §§ 5 and 15.
Attorney Matthew DePerno, who recently joined an IFA webcast, has gained national attention for discovering and exposing election fraud in Antrim County, Michigan and is currently a candidate for Michigan Attorney General. He wrote a letter to AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers challenging AZ Attorney General Behringer’s position on whether a state can decertify an election and recall their electors. He writes,
“Can a State Legislature recall the state electors or decertify a national election upon proof of fraud in the election? The Answer is ‘Yes.’
“The Ninth and Tenth Amendment work in tandem to consecrate this broad delegation of power to the States. Chiafalo v. Washington, 591 U.S. … 140 S. Ct. 2316, 2324-25 (2020) ‘Nothing in the Constitution expressly prohibits States from taking away presidential electors’ voting discretion.’ Specifically, the Supreme Court noted that the Constitution’s text and the Nation’s history both support allowing a State to enforce an elector’s pledge to support his party’s nominee – and the state voters’ choice – for President. . .
“In light of the Behringer Memo, we ask again whether a State Legislature can recall the state electors or decertify a national election upon proof of fraud in the election? After again considering the constitutional authority of the State Legislature, the Constitution itself, and U.S. Supreme Court authority and precedent, the answer is definitively ‘Yes.’”
As intercessors, we must continue to pray. As citizens, we must urge our elected representatives to act in accordance with the truth and ensure free and fair elections. Elected representatives, Governors, Attorneys General receive their authority and direction with the consent of the governed. As intercessors we must appeal to heaven and be patient to wait on God and let every step of the process play out. An audit is simply one more step in the process to gain understanding and achieve integrity in our elections. It was never intended to be the last step.
One IFA commenter, Trian, shared the following encouragement: “What is done in the dark will be brought to LIGHT! God has not abandoned His children! I believe He is faithful and His eyes roam the earth to show Himself STRONG on behalf of those whose hearts are towards Him. Don’t give up the fight through prayer and by getting involved in our local communities. Greater is He who is with us than he who is in the world. Good always triumphs over evil. We walk by faith and not by sight. God bless America and all who are standing for truth.”
WHAT DID THE AZ AUDIT REVEAL? - Intercessors for America (ifapray.org)
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