Mr. Joe Biden is the worst president that the United States has had since the last worst president they had, namely, Barack Obama, who was the worst president that the United States has had since Jimmy Carter. No one has been able to avoid noticing it. Everyone, except for Hollywood and D.C., has been affected by Covid lockdowns and mandates; the destructive, cruel, callow, filthy bug-out of Afghanistan, generational theft-level spending; as well as dictatorial petty rules.
Turn that American flag upside down, for Australia is on its way. Those who have been “allowed” to congregate have made their hate for President Joe Biden well known in the rudest as well as reclusive ways, and they have been applauded for doing so. “F*** Joe Biden!” is being chanted almost wherever one looks, by both large and small groups of people alike. It’s becoming known as “the wave” among this generation.
F*** Joe Biden is a genuine phenomenon in the political world. Does anyone remember what happens on Red Fridays? On Saturdays, F*** Joe Biden is a regular chant. However, it’s referred to as a hashtag as well now.
F*** Joe Biden has gotten so well-known that it will appear on Wikipedia if you search for “F*** Joe Biden.” F*** Joe Biden chants were heard at Staind concerts over the weekend in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware and also in Scranton, Pennsylvania (Joe’s hometown that he visits whenever he campaigns for politics), as the band led the audience in the chant. This chant may be heard loudly in food courts, concerts, as well as sports stadiums. It demonstrates unequivocally that the majority of the populace is fed up with Joe Biden and his government.