A Muslim man in France named Sammy M. is on trial for raping and torturing his lesbian sister and her girlfriends.
Sammy lured his sister and her friends to the river Drôme where he raped the women and then tortured them.
Sammy used a razor to cut a permanent smile on his sister’s girlfriend’s face.
The woman’s scars are still evident and will disfigure the woman for life.
Via LesObservateurs and Allah’s Willing Executioner.
Since Monday September 27, Samy M. has been on trial at the Drôme Regional Court in Valence for the crimes committed in December 2018. He abducted and raped his then 24-year-old sister, who had left the family home in Bourg-de-Péage a month earlier. When he found out that she was having an intimate relationship with a woman, he then attacked her. He lured her to the river Drôme, where she had gone with two girlfriends. Armed and hooded, he forced them to go to a deserted place, beat them, forced them to kneel down; then the thirty-year-old deeply carved both cheeks of his sister’s girlfriend with a razor and said, as the victims told us at their hearings: “I will make you smile forever.
The court accused him of having carried out this abuse “because of the sexual orientation” of the young women. The three victims affirmed this: According to them, the man from Bourg-de-Péage claimed that “a woman has to date a man and that this [homosexuality, editor’s note] is not done among Muslims. A tendency towards homophobia that was shown in prison, but which Samy M. has since denied.The reaction of the three victims, sitting in the front row and facing the horror of what they have experienced, shows that they were not dealing with a friendly, concerned older brother. The three young women are pale, one is trembling, the second has breathing problems. The third, who is in the middle of a panic attack, has to be treated by the fire brigade. Despite the mask, you can see the scars on her cheeks that will disfigure her for life.