Please please please please please please please please please please please please please *breathes* please please please please please please please please please please please please let this be real and true. It would be the first human moment we’ve seen from Vice President Kamala Harris and let’s be honest … it would be freakin’ hilarious.

Trouble in the White House? Say it ain’t so.

(no actually, say it’s so … please please please):


From Conservative Brief:

As Afghanistan has collapsed and been taken over by the Taliban, Kamala Harris is reportedly refusing to accept any responsibility.

A source reportedly told Kyle Becker at Becker News that Harris refused to be part of addressing the American people on Sunday after the terrorist group took over Kubal, the capital of Afghanistan.

Becker reports that a source informed him that Harris screamed “They will not pin this sh*t on me!”

Becker notes in his report that One America News Network host Jack Posobiec was provided with a similar account of what happened in the White House.



Yes, yes this editor IS a child.


And admittedly.

Hey, and she’s never been to Europe either.


That’s our Vice President.


Whoa … HUGE (and hilarious) if true: Kamala Harris reportedly goes off on Joe Biden, says ‘You will NOT pin this sh*t on ME!’ –