Thursday, August 19, 2021

PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud Back

 The RNC released a report on Thursday confirming election cheating by Democrats in the 2020 election.

This report comes after months of silence by the Republican Party after Democrats stole the November election from Trump.

And this also comes months after RNC Chair told The New York Times she was regretted allowing Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims of voter fraud


The RNC has also been completely silent on the historic Maricopa County forensic audit.

The Republican Party is outdated, does not represent their voters, and is not up for the fight against the Marxist left.
How pathetic.

Via Pro-Trump News and the Palmieri Report:

Their donations must really suck for them to be coming out with this weak document today.

Via The Examiner.

A monthslong investigation into the 2020 presidential vote has found that Democrat-run cities and states used the COVID-19 crisis to change the rules that likely helped Joe Biden’s ascent to the White House.

The Republican National Committee report found several cases in which Democrats used the virus as an excuse to scuttle voter identification rules, flood mailboxes with ballots, and limit poll watching and vote-count observations.

“The pandemic brought chaos and comprehensive changes to voting processes beginning in the spring primaries and lasting through the post-election process,” said the 23-page report from the RNC’s Committee on Election Integrity, created by party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

“Democrats, including some public officials, used the pandemic as a pretense to achieve long-sought policy goals, such as expanded mail voting and the elimination of key safeguards, specifically for absentee voting, such as witness and ID requirements,” added the report provided to Secrets.

PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud Back ( 

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