Project Veritas just revealed a new investigation, complete with the hidden camera footage that we all know and love.
This time, their lens was set on Gabriel Gipe, AP Government Teacher at Inderkum High School in Sacramento, California.
Gipe is a self-described Antifa member who admits to indoctrinating the children in his care.
Gipe is being interviewed, but the unknowing Atifa teacher does not realize that he is being filmed or that he is being outed by the conversation. One has to wonder, with an Antifa flag hanging inside his classroom, just how comfortable he is being a member of Antifa?
The first part of the video, Gipe is talking about organizing in Sacramento and what he does to
“Sacramento organization that is under the banner of Antifa is very loosely organized, right? So that Yeah, when when there is like right-wing rallies and stuff, then we will create an opposition to this,” he states.
This is definitely the case in many of the instances over the years where republicans attempt to have a rally and Antifa show up and start attacking people.
“Where would you go to connect to some of these organizations? Like I post a calendar every week. And then so like, it’s and I do it for extra credit. So they get points for doing, like, and so that encourages them to do it. And I have like students show for like protests, community events, you know, tabling food distribution,” he states. Adding, “So they, when they go, they take pictures, they write up a reflection that they’re like, I have an Antifa flag on my, on my wall. And a student complained about that. And you said it made them feel uncomfortable? Well, this is meant to make Baptists feel uncomfortable. So if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really notice it. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this is antithetical to.”
“I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries…Scare the f*ck out of them.”
Antifa members are often the first ones to point out that there is no formal structure to Antifa. If no one can point to a leader, then how can someone say it was anything other than natural opposition to fascism.
Gipe describes some of the organizing that does exist within the community, not through Antifa, but through satellite organizations that facilitate coordination.
Gipe says, “That app, if you’re looking to get involved is Nortel resist. Nortel resist does direct outreach for like undocumented folks. They help them with like material support, as well as legal aid and support with the help of the National Lawyers Guild. So they work in tandem with each other. So that’s why I do like political efficacy events because I want to get them out in the community.”
Gipe states that he tests his class every year to determine their Ideologies and that every year he notices that the students are moving more and more to the left. “So, they [students] take an ideology quiz and I put the results on the classroom wall. Every year, they get further and further left…I’m like, ‘These ideologies are considered extreme, right? Extreme times breed extreme ideologies.’ Right? There is a reason why Generation Z, these kids, are becoming further and further left.”
ANTIFA would cry about me saying this, but they are the fascists of our society.
And they’re relentless to infiltrate our public schools to indoctrinate children with their radical ideology.
Another reason to defund public schools and give more power to parents.
President Joe Biden decided to try a new delivery with Americans who are upset about his catastrophic exit from Afghanistan. He yelled at them.
On Tuesday, after showing up more than an hour late, Biden boasted about his “successful” exit from the wartorn nation, which was able to get “90%” of Americans who wanted to come home, by his own admission.
Thus, he betrayed his promise to the American people to get everyone home or to stay in Afghanistan until they were safe.
President Biden once again attempted to blame his predecessor Donald Trump for the disaster, while at the same time touting the evacuation efforts as one of the most successful rescue operations in history.
At the end of the press conference, Biden once again showed that he does not feel any accountability to the American people. He turned his back at his press conference, but then came back for the most frivolous of reasons, amidst questions shouted at him at the last second.
The president forgot his mask. He couldn’t even look at the American people and answer for his disastrous decisions.
Biden called for people to “look to the future” after his calamitous decisions. But the American people will not forget the way that he left Americans behind and got 13 of its precious soldiers killed. No matter how much he yells about it.
Chinese pig farmer Sun Dawu posing at a feed warehouse in Hebei, outside Beijing, on Sept. 24, 2019.
Founder of Dawu Group set out to prove the potential of China’s farmers–and succeeded, but he could not save his company from the Communist Party
On July 28, in the closing statements at his trial, 67-year-old Sun Dawu made an impassioned plea for leniency from the Chinese court officials who that day sentenced him to 18 years in prison.
The renowned agricultural entrepreneur, along with family members and colleagues, had spent months in China’s harrowing “residential surveillance” detention system after being arrested last November. Their case went to trial just days after charges were brought to court, leaving the defense hardly any time to review the 348 volumes of case documents.
Speaking at the Gaobeidian Municipal People’s Court in northern China’s Baoding city, Sun—whose incriminating offenses were “provoking trouble” and “gathering a crowd to attack state organs”—choked up multiple times as he described how he and partners built up their business from a modest batch of chickens and pigs to a national brand worth billions.
Sun’s company, the Dawu Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Group, was being accused of multiple economic crimes, which ranged from those involving disputes with state-owned enterprises to unauthorized mining and financial fraud. One charge, that of illegally collecting funds, was something that Sun had previously been arrested and stood trial for in 2003.
Dawu Group’s legal team in front of the Gaobeidian courthouse in Hebei Province, China, on July 28, 2021.
Sun admitted that Dawu Group had not always operated in sync with government regulations, but defended his company’s economic successes, worker-friendly “constitutional” model, and civic contributions, while assuming personal responsibility for the legal charges.
“Dawu Group does have its faults, and the fault lies with me alone,” Sun said.
“The charges leveled against Sun Dawu and others, as well as the Dawu Group, are all derived from very trivial ‘disputes’ that can be seen everywhere and every day in China,” Yaxue Cao, editor of human rights website China Change, wrote on the day of the verdict.
The sentencing, she wrote, amounted to a blatant takeover of Dawu Group—which is now under state management—as well as a sign of things to come under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a Leninist regime that seeks the eventual abolition of private property.
“The CCP has never seen private enterprises as sovereign entities and it can take them over anytime under the guise of implementing the law. That’s precisely what we have seen in the Dawu case.”
‘A Company Built From Eggs’
Dawu Group’s relations with the CCP were not always so antagonistic. Sun was an active participant in the economic reforms of the 1980s, having begun the business in his native Xushui County, a then-undeveloped part of Hebei Province about an hour’s drive from Beijing.
Xushui had been the site where, in the late 1950s, communist China’s founding leader Mao Zedong touted the success of his Great Leap Forward, a disastrous economic campaign that would cause some 40 million Chinese to die of famine.
Born in 1954, Sun’s “first memory was the memory of starvation,” Cao wrote in a feature on Sun. He had joined the People’s Liberation Army at 16, became a Party member at 18, and was discharged after eight years of service.
In 1985, after several more years working at the Xushui Agricultural Bank, Sun decided to take advantage of the economic reforms that were coming to China. Together with his wife Liu Huiru and several other families, they leased a dozen acres of raw land from the government.
Though the others soon gave up—the land had no power, running water, or even roads—Sun and Liu persevered, growing the business from 1,000 chickens and several dozen hogs to 100,000 chickens within several years.
As Sun would later tell an audience at Peking University, “My business was created by bringing land under the plow. It is a company built from eggs.”
Hard work and smart investments in tech and training allowed Dawu Group to grow rapidly. “In 2003, Dawu Group’s poultry breeding group had three hatcheries that could hatch 20 million high-quality chicks per year. Its feed factory produced 60,000 tons annually,” according to China Change.
Sun was well-recognized as a figure in China’s rural economic reforms. He was a frequent speaker at universities, and was even twice invited to offer his thoughts at Zhongnanhai, the CCP’s headquarters in Beijing.
‘Peach Blossom Spring’
What set Dawu Group apart from many other private and state enterprises was no doubt the corporate vision Sun created for the business. Early on, his ethos was “not to aim for profit,” but to prioritize the company’s development and the well-being of employees.
Beginning in 1998, for example, Dawu Group had established non-profit K-12 and technical schools, as well as a 1,000-bed hospital. These facilities and their use were subsidized by the company’s other ventures, making their services available to both Dawu staff and the general public at little to no cost.
Sun also set up what he called a “constitutional system of private enterprise,” based on a triad of “private-ownership, open governance, and co-prosperity.” While the authority of executives and Sun’s relatives was not in question, their powers—and pay—were limited by corporate checks and balances to ensure that employees had fair rights and representation.
Dawu Group’s main development in Langwuzhang village of Xushui County, Hebei Province.
According to China Change, Dawu Group never turned a business loss except in 2003, when Sun’s first arrest and legal saga disrupted operations. By 2020, the company had assets totaling more than 10 billion yuan (around $1.5 billion), employed nearly 10,000 staff, and operated 28 subsidiaries.
Despite a stated obedience to the CCP’s socialism, Sun stressed that his model was not meant to create the “involuntary equality” of utopia, nor eliminate all class differences.
For instance, while in court he contrasted his company culture with the authoritarian “model communist” community of Huaxi Village in eastern China—where residents must obey strict requirements in their daily life and purchases, and the leading cadres enjoy unparalleled wealth and privileges. Sun and his colleagues toured Huaxi multiple times, but “knew we couldn’t model on the utopian [ideal], and we had to walk our own path.”
Rather than Marx, Sun took inspiration from the “Peach Blossom Spring,” an idyllic community described in ancient Chinese literature. Removed from the outside world, residents of this paradise managed their own affairs, ignorant of which emperor was on the throne or what his edicts were.
In modern times, such isolation was hardly possible. Throughout his 36 years of operation, Sun faced challenges of varying intensity, from self-serving and spiteful local officials (who on at least one occasion threatened to bulldoze Dawu’s property if the company did not drop a lawsuit) to the CCP system itself.
The local government seemed to “harbor an ingrained disdain and prejudice toward private business,” Cao wrote, describing the petty disagreements and demands that Dawu Group was compelled to handle.
But in May 2003, the authorities arrested Sun and multiple Dawu executives on charges of “illegally absorbing funds,” referring to a sponsorship program that allowed employees and local residents to loan the company grain or cash. The contribution would be sold or invested, and the debtors paid back either immediately or on a schedule.
Despite the flimsiness of the charge, Sun was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison. But a robust defense by human rights lawyers—including currently jailed dissident Xu Zhiyong—as well as prominent media coverage, were instrumental in reducing the punishment, and Sun’s sentence was reduced to time served in detention.
‘This Is Your Last Time Here’
Not coincidentally, Sun’s first arrest and trial seemed to coincide with the high point of his civic activity and lobbying for greater economic freedom.
Though a CCP member and professed socialist, Sun believed in the capacity of the Chinese people to work for themselves. The backwardness and poverty of the countryside, he frequently argued, had little to do with the inability of China’s farmers to turn profits, but stemmed from the preponderance of crushing government regulations and taxes.
“In order to develop the rural market, the first thing should be to let farmers increase their income, and that the way to increase income lies in production plus business,” he said in 1998, during his first visit to the Communist Party headquarters at Zhongnanhai.
Sun spoke for 40 minutes as high-ranking cadres, including then-State Councillor Wu Yi, listened.
But on his way out of the building, a staffer asked if it was Sun’s first time setting foot in the building. When he said yes, the man replied, “then this is also your last time coming here.”
“As I exited Zhongnanhai, I felt no sense of pride, only a feeling of sadness,” Sun would later tell colleagues. “There is still a long way to go to revitalize the rural economy and liberalize the rural economic market.”
A security guard (R) and a police officer (L) secure the area at the entrance to the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on May 18, 2020.
The relatively positive, if inconsequential, reception among the officialdom Sun enjoyed was a reflection of the age. Even after the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, the CCP continued with some reforms throughout the 1990s, with various officials encouraging the growth of the legal community, state enterprise reform, and other steps to transition China into a more conventional and transparent state.
But the leadership of Party boss Jiang Zemin, notorious for his renewed human rights abuses and turning a blind eye to growing corruption, set the country on a different course.
The secretary who warned Sun turned out to be mistaken. He would visit Zhongnanhai again, this time in April 2003. But the atmosphere had noticeably darkened.
“The officials did not introduce themselves, and Sun did not know who they were. He generally reiterated what he had said in his speeches at [two colleges earlier that year]—that there was too much government control and that the peasants were excessively restricted in their economic activity,” Cao wrote.
A month later, Sun was arrested on the fund-collection charge.
Apart from drawing the authorities’ ire for his advocacy of rural reform, Sun was also known as a supporter of China’s rights lawyers, and was not afraid to voice his opinion on other social issues.
“Mr. Sun was a frequent and loud critic of Chinese government policies, from its early handling of Covid-19 to local government cover-ups over a 2019 outbreak of African swine fever that killed thousands of his pigs,” Paul Mozur of the New York Times reported on July 28.
In at least one incident, Dawu staff gathered to protest the local authorities, holding banners and chanting slogans to protect their firm.
The arrests of the Suns and Dawu executives on Nov. 11 came in apparent reaction to a protracted land dispute between Dawu Group and a regional state-run farm.
According to Chinese media reports, the state farm had originally leased about 100 acres from Dawu Group, but steadily encroached on other land owned by the company, occupying more than 300 acres of Dawu’s property. Things came to a head in June and August last year, when workers from the state farm and Dawu Group engaged in physical confrontations and scuffles.
Dawu employees gathered in front of Xushui District Public Security Bureau in China’s Hebei Province in the afternoon of Aug. 4, 2020.Dawu workers clash with riot police in Langwuzhuang in Hebei Province, China, on Aug. 4, 2020.
These incidents formed the basis of what the Gaobeidian court claimed was Dawu Group’s “mobilizing a crowd to attack state organs.”
Following their arrest, Sun and other defendants were held in “residential surveillance at a designated location” (RSDL) for more than three months. According to Sun, he never saw the sun during this period of time, and was beaten. Others suffered torture such as being tied up for 30 hours non-stop.
According to a statement from the early stages of the trial, defense attorneys noted “evidence” obtained during the RSDL period was illegal, but the court ignored their arguments.
Sun, his three sons, and 16 other Dawu executives were sentenced in the case. Authorities also started a separate investigation into Sun’s wife Liu Huiru and daughters-in-law for “absorbing illegal deposits.”
Wang Yingguo, an entrepreneur based in southern China’s Shenzhen and an acquaintance of Sun, blamed the “backsliding” direction of the Communist Party for Dawu Group’s setbacks and ultimate fate.
Speaking with the Chinese-language Epoch Times, Wang lamented that the Party saw people like Sun, “who have ideals and create prosperity for the people,” as enemies. “These people are society’s conscience, and they are hard to find. It is they who lead society forward.” But the CCP “is practicing totalitarianism, it is going backward, so any force that stops this backsliding will be increasingly suppressed and destroyed.”
For Cao, the Dawu Group’s accomplishments show “what a private citizen and a private company can do for the country, for a place, and for the people with a little freedom and policy support from the government. But I’m afraid, politically, that’s exactly where the CCP now sees danger,” Cao, the editor of China Change, wrote.
Sun had said in his numerous speeches that China’s countryside had no shortage of talent, labor, capital, or markets; only a lack of freedom.
But as Cao notes, “more freedom is precisely what the Party would not and will not grant.”
Orange County, California – As previously reported, in a video, uploaded to her previously public TikTok account, 11th Grade High School Teacher Kristin Pitzen teacher at Back Bay High School in the Newport Mesa Unified School District revealed that she doesn’t make kids say the Pledge of the Allegiance and that she also doesn’t have the Star-Spangled Banner in her classroom. Pitzen claims that she took the flag down during the COVID-19 pandemic because it “made [her] uncomfortable.”
This woman was indoctrinating children before she was removed:
Kristin Pitzen has been removed from her classroom pending an investigation.
“We are aware that one of our teachers posted a video on their personal social media that caused alarm and concern related to saluting the American flag,” Annette Franco, a spokesperson for the school district, wrote in an email to Newsweek. “Showing respect for our nation’s flag is an important value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. The teacher is no longer in the classroom. We follow due process and our investigation continues.”
(Natural News) For the “crime” of saving thousands of lives, an Arkansas doctor is under investigation by the Arkansas Medical Board after he was caught successfully administering ivermectin to sick Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients.
Dr. Robert Karas, who provides medical services to the Washington County jail, started prescribing the off-patent anti-malarial drug last October after it was determined to be a safe and effective remedy for Chinese Germs. Not a single person treated by Dr. Karas has died, by the way, and yet the Arkansas Medical Board wants him stripped of his medical license for refusing to prescribe “vaccines” instead.
Last November, Dr. Karas started administering ivermectin to “high-risk patients at the county jail, with which he has had a contract since 2015. Of the 531 cases he treated there, not a single person died and all recovered, which is apparently not allowed as part of the plandemic protocol.
Dr. Karas does not care what these fake “experts” have to say, though, and has continued to prescribe ivermectin, which he knows works and is safe. As a result, he is now being pursued by the medical fascists for his disobedience to the agenda.
“They are able to refuse any medication they’re offered,” explained Chief Deputy Jay Cantrell about the “voluntary” nature of Dr. Karas’ approach. “Even with the vaccine, it’s all voluntary.”
ACLU says administering FDA-approved ivermectin is “medical experimentation”
The medical deep state, on the other hand, is raising hell for Dr. Karas by claiming that he deprived inmates of “appropriate medical care” by giving them ivermectin instead of Operation Warp Speed needles.
“I believe it’s the county and the sheriff’s constitutional duty to provide the detainees adequate and appropriate medical care,” whined Justice of the Peace Eva Madison, who thinks she knows better than a doctor about what the best remedies are for the Fauci Flu.
“No one, including incarcerated individuals, should be subject to medical experimentation,” further complained Holly Dickson, executive director of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Arkansas. In Dickson’s view, ivermectin, a safe and effective FDA-approved drug, is the “medical experimentation,” and experimental gene therapy injections (“vaccines) are the “trusted medicine.”
Dr. Karas is not about to be bullied by these women, though. He knows what works and plans to continue administering it in order to save lives as opposed to terminating lives with Trump Vaccines.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a private corporation posing as a public health agency, has also declared ivermectin to be unsafe. The deep state entity alleges that anyone who takes ivermectin will destroy their gastrointestinal and neurological systems, which is absolute nonsense.
“I hope Holly is talking about the EUA (emergency use authorization) vaccines as medical experimentation, and not Ivermectin, which has been safely administered for decades,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press about Holly Dickson’s ridiculous statements about ivermectin being “medical experimentation.”
“If she is calling Ivermectin experimentation though, then she is a literal psychopath who delights in gaslighting people as she abuses them.”
“The EUA would not have been possible if Ivermectin and HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) were not doomed and banned (EUA only if there is NO known treatment),” wrote another, noting that EUA never should have been granted to Trump Vaccines.
The latest news about Chinese Virus tyranny and the rise of medical fascism throughout the West can be found at
Gold Star Family members are condemning President Biden for his behavior at the dignified transfer ceremony on Sunday, which saw the return of 13 U.S. service members slain from Afghanistan. One of the Gold Star Family members called it, “the most disrespectful thing I’d ever seen.”
Two of the Gold Star Family members, Mark Shmitz and Darin Hoover, appeared on “Hannity” on Monday and gave their view of how the president handled the ceremony.
“First, I just wanted to say that Jared has exemplified so much that any man could ever strive for and made me so proud to watch him undertake this endeavor of going into the Marine Corps,” Mark Schmitz said. “He completed his boot camp. He went to Jordan, was excited about that. And was constantly looking to do more and was given that opportunity.”
“Mark, you met with Biden over the weekend, how did that go?” Hannity asked.
“Initially, I wasn’t going to meet with him,” Schmitz replied. “But then I felt I owed it to my son to at least have some words with him about how I felt, and… it didn’t go well,” Schmitz said. “He talked a bit more about his own son then we did my son and that didn’t sit well with me.”
“Your son was a hero,” Hannity commented. “I can’t imagine the pain, I really can’t. Darin, you said your son had the biggest heart in the world, and no parent, and as a parent, I think every parent watching right now understands this, no parent should have to bury their sons or daughter, it’s not supposed to work that way. He was scheduled to return home on September 15th and retire and marry his fiancée, Nicole. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling today.
“It’s the absolute worst feeling in the world,” Darin Hoover said. “Having them be away for so long, and doing the job that they all love, there is no doubt about it. Being a Marine to these guys is everything. And having this happen to these heroes. Every one of them is a hero. Every last one of them. They died with their brothers and their sisters right next to them . Doing exactly what they all wanted to do. And that is defending this country.”
“You chose not to meet with President Biden,” Hannity said. “I don’t know if you want to comment on that. When I saw Biden look at his watch, I was literally like you’ve got to be kidding me, because all of this to me was preventable. Because we saw them on the march. You know, we had April, May, June, July, to extradite everybody and our equipment. We didn’t do it. Why did you choose not to meet with the president?”
“For exactly the reasons you just gave,” Hoover. “We said absolutely not. We didn’t want to deal with them, we didn’t want to we didn’t want him anywhere near us. We as a family decided that that was the way it was going to be.”
“In reference to the checking of his watch, that didn’t happen just once,” Hoover remarked. “It happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. It happened on every single one of them. They would release the salute, and he would look down at his watch on every last one. All 13, he looked down at his watch.”
“As a father, you know, seeing that aand the disrespect, and hearing from his former leaders, one of his Master Sergeants said exactly what you just said, that this was avoidable, that they left them over there,’ Hoover continued. “They let them down, we can’t have that. It can’t happen ever again.”
“We also abandoned Americans,” Hannity commented. “Americans now are on their own. We left them behind. Mark, do you want to comment on the watch incident? Did you notice the same thing?”
“Yes, I did. I leaned into my son’s mother’s ear in I said ‘I swear to god if he checks his watch one more time’ and that was probably only four times in, I couldn’t look at him anymore after that,” Schmitz said. “Considering the time and why we were there, I found it to be the most disrespectful thing I’d ever seen.”
Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover Jr., 31, was killed at Kabul airport on Thursday. He was on his third deployment to Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz was also killed in the Kabul attack. He was just 20 years old.
Australian Truckers Protest Mandatory Vaccines And Lockdowns, Block Major Highway
Authored by Daniel Yang via The Epoch Times,
Australian truck drivers have blocked a major highway in the north-eastern state of Queensland in a protest against vaccine mandates and tough border restrictions, causing traffic to back up for several kilometres.
The action marks a series of ongoing protests from Australians frustrated with state government COVID-19 lockdowns and mandated restrictions based on emergency public health orders.
The drivers parked their prime movers at 5:30 a.m. on the southbound lanes of the M1 highway at Reedy Creek in the Gold Coast portion of the arterial on Monday. The highway is used by tens of thousands of Queenslanders each morning.
A banner was unfurled and covered the front of both vehicles, reading: “Truckies Keep Australia Moving, Not Politicians.”
One driver named Brock, who did not give his surname, said the drivers were protesting the Queensland government’s strict health orders that prevented all individuals from entering the state, except for essential workers.
Those deemed essential workers need to be involved in skilled construction, farming, or healthcare, and must prove that a Queensland resident cannot do their job. Further, they need to prove they have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Queensland Police stop trucks at the Queensland border in Coolangatta, Australia, on Aug. 25, 2021 (Chris Hyde/Getty Images)
“End all lockdowns, people go back to work, and kids go back to school,” Brock told Nine’s Today show.
“That’s all we want out of it; we’ve had enough of it.
“We’ve had a lot the support mate, the people that showed up today is amazing. We appreciate everyone that’s come down,” he added, saying the police had been lenient about the protest, and he respected what they did.
“But it’s all about choice at the end of the day. If you don’t want to get the vax, don’t get the vax. If you do want to get it, get it. But just don’t keep locking up people.”
News footage showed federal One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson and her advisor James Ashby at the protest.
Acting Chief Superintendent Rhys Wildman of Gold Coast police said the truckers faced criminal charges.