Saturday, July 24, 2021

OANN Reporter Says Alito and Thomas Have Issued a “Public Warning” About ACB and Kavanaugh - This is bone-chilling, but are you surprised?

We’ve been following the rulings of Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brey Kavanaugh lately, and in a recent piece, we told you that they were making Justice Roberts look “conservative.”
We told you that the numbers don’t lie, and shared stats on how they’ve sided with liberals more than even Roberts has.

We’ve questioned Bret Kavanaugh’s allegiance to his so-called “conservative values,” and pointed out that he was shaping up to be the next “John Roberts.”
Maybe worse, even.

None of this has been in our “heads.” We, along with many others, have been watching Kavanaugh closely, and have seen clearly, through his rulings, that something was “off.”

Do you think it's ok Jeff Bezos doesn't pay taxes, takes a trip to space and still asks the US taxpayer for $10B?

Yes, absolutely!

Hell no!

So, what I am going to share with you now about ACB and Brett Kavanaugh isn’t “surprising,” but it is disheartening and bone-chilling.

OAANN reporter Emerald Robinson, who is a treasure and a warrior for truth, just tweeted out a scoop she got from a source at the SCOTUS which involves a “warning” from the bench…a warning that we must all take very seriously.

Here’s what she said:

“SCOTUS Justices Alito & Thomas are already publicly warning conservatives that Barrett & Kavanaugh “lack fortitude” and are “unwilling to bear the criticism” that will come with making conservative decisions.”

On the surface, what does this tell us?

Well, it tells us that the two justices are “weak” and as a result, are shucking their responsibilities and putting “politics” over the law.

But if we delve deeper, it can say a lot more.

The word “compromised” comes to mind.

Here’s what folks online are saying:

“”lack fortitude” = bought off”

“I wonder if ‘they’ got to them somehow…”

“Alito and Thomas are sending uss all a messsage. They know.”

“So they lied under oath when they swore to uphold the articles in the Constitution? Got it..”

“That was intentional!!! They have ptsd from the confirmation hearings. They were not trying to stop the nominations they were showing what would happen if they made decisions that went against liberal mindsets. This was all intentional.”

“Wow. What a damn shame. Such a letdown and betrayal.”

“They’ve been either bought or blackmailed.”

“No possible way threats intimidation or blackmail may be employed? In the land of freedom? By any of our trusted 3 letter agencies? Naaaaw.”

“They are very correct. Just follow the judgements he has delivered and you’d know this.”

“Not very reassuring, but incredibly disappointing! After the way conservatives supported them to get appointed!”

“We’ve known this since the election.”

“I’ve known this since their nominations. They are federalist society judges, so this is expected of them.”

That last line is key.

They are “Federalist Society judges.”

In keeping with long-standing tradition, President Trump did what other Republican presidents before him had done and took his nominations from Federalist and Heritage Foundation – two establishment organizations that couldn’t be farther from the “America First” ideals if they tried.

Now, I don’t know if these two are just weak establishment RINO types, or if they have other issues going on that would stop them from having “fortitude.”

But I can tell you this, that “scoop” Emerald shared, falls in line with what MANY of us have been suspecting for quite some time, and also with the “numbers.”

And numbers don’t lie.

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