Jesse Jensen, a former Army Ranger, is currently looking to unseat radical Democrat Rep. Kim Schrier (WA) in the midterms, told SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday this weekend that he will flip Washington’s Eighth Congressional District to Republican in the upcoming midterms and fight Schrier and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
Jensen previously ran against Schrier, coming within a few percentage points of winning the district last year. Earlier this month, he announced his candidacy to run again against Schrier, hoping to unseat her and take back the majority in the House to fight Pelosi.
Jensen said that alone shows the major differences between Schrier and himself. He said, during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Schrier “refused to go to D.C. during Covid, she invoked her proxy vote, she gave her proxy votes to Nancy Pelosi and didn’t vote in person for the payroll protection program.” He said if you wanted to equate that to himself, that would be like “going in front of my troops and saying, ‘Hey guys, I want you to go out inside America’s wars, I’m gonna stay here, and I’ll give my proxy votes to the platoon sergeant.'” Jensen said he was always the first person out of the helicopter and the one running towards the fight, not away from it.
Boyle asked Jensen to talk more about his life growing up and becoming the first in his family to graduate from college, being able to afford college due to his grandfather co-signing on his student loans, and later joining the military. Boyle asked why he decided to enlist in the army later in life after college and after joining the work force instead of before.
“I was actually working on Capitol Hill, and I was driving a U.S. senator to Walter Reed, and we met a young man who had stepped on an IED and sadly lost both his legs and was catastrophically burned,” Jensen explained. The wounded soldier “looked the Senator and myself in the eye said, ‘Gentleman, the only thing I wanna do is go back to Iraq and be with my guys.’” Jensen called that a gut punch and a wakeup call, explaining that three months later he was in South Carolina for basic training.
Jensen said growing up, he was on the edge of working-class poverty. “I grew up on the working of the edge of working-class poverty. The way that my dad got through the day was from venison, from deer meat, that was donated by his congregation. And this is the American dream. You can pull yourself up, and you’ve got the Democrats that are raising inflation, raising your taxes. My opponent reports a Washington state income tax, and you bet she’s gonna increase your taxes in Washington, DC.”
He said running is like a call to service, and he hears that call again. He said, “This is actually my second time running. The last time we came within seven thousand votes of winning the entire thing, and the reason for that was we talked about service and leadership. We talked about getting stuff done, and I was out-raised five to one out-spent ten to one. It’s gonna be different this time.”
Boyle mentioned that the district he’s running in is where the defund of the police movement started as it is the home to the CHAZ/CHOP zone, and Schrier, his opponent, is a radical, lawless leftist.
“Not only has she defunded the police,” he explained. “She actually cut millions of dollars from the COPS grant last year, both, so she literally voted at the federal level to defund the police, but then, she voted for $1.9 million more for increased security for herself at the Capitol. It’s insane.” Jensen dubbed it his opponent’s “rules for thee, not for me” mentality. Jensen again mentioned that during the Chinese coronavirus, she voted by proxy but wants everyone else to do their jobs.
When talking about the CHAZ/CHOP zone, Jensen said he toured the area and talked to people inside. “I talked to a guy who was armed, wearing this crazy Halloween costume, and he was claiming to be a security force” to protect the people inside. When asked if they were willing to shoot and kill police who try and enter, Jensen said the guy would not comment. However, Jensen said that the left hates the border wall, checking IDs, and guns, but when he went inside this zone, they checked IDs, had a border wall, and all held guns.
He said it is incredible that his opponent is trying to make everywhere less safe by defunding the police. Jensen mentioned that Schrier went on a ride-along with the local police to “try and increase her image” and asked them, “What’s all this with the qualified immunity and use of force.” Jensen said the she had no idea removing qualified immunity “would require police officers to essentially get malpractice insurance” and would cause huge exits from the force, which are already happening.
Boyle asked what the difference will be for Washington’s Eighth Congressional District and the country if the Republicans take the House and Pelosi is out of the speakership.
“Well, your taxes won’t go up, for one. Inflation will go down and Critical Race Theory won’t be taught in your classrooms. The list goes on and on, we’ll have the economy be better, we’ll have a more secure border, and law and order will be essentially established,” Jensen said. He also mentioned that his local grocery store has its deli shut down because the store is unable to find anyone to work. He said that even a local trucking company has “200 applications for dock workers, four people actually showed up.”
Jensen told Boyle that it is “Amazing people are gaming in the system, they’re applying for these jobs so that they can keep the generous unemployment that’s paying them more than minimum wage to stay home so that they don’t have to work. These are the kind of policies that hurt small businesses. These are the kinds of policies that hurt workers. These are the kinds of policies that make us less safe, and it’s all thanks to the Democrats. If you fire Nancy Pelosi… we’re back to a better way of life.”
Exclusive — Jensen: 'Fire Nancy Pelosi,' U.S. Is 'Back to a Better Way of Life' (breitbart.com)
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