We couldn’t agree more. The US Attorney General has no right to interfere in the election vote counting in any state.
Far-left Salon shared in October 2020 shortly before the 2020 election:
Barr’s “parroting” the false claim that mailed-out—or absentee—ballots are a pathway for large-scale voter fraud was akin to becoming one of the “super-spreaders of disinformation,” as Emily Bazelon discussed in the October 18 New York Times Sunday Magazine cover story. But could the Justice Department intervene in the process where returned absentee ballots are accepted or rejected by local and state election officials, or go further and disrupt the counting of votes? In short, it cannot.
“They really don’t have any authority,” said Justin Levitt, a former deputy assistant attorney general who led the DOJ’s voting rights enforcement in the Obama administration, speaking of administering elections. “The actual disruption, if it is going to come, will come from campaigns or private parties, but not from the DOJ.”
“I know of no federal law that allows the federal government to intervene in a state-based process, under state law, of counting and certifying election results,” said David Becker, who was a senior trial attorney in the DOJ’s Voting Section for seven years, and now runs the nonprofit, nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research.
“There is a requirement under federal law that all [election] materials, including ballots, be maintained for 22 months,” Becker said, referring to a 1960s civil rights law that was intended to help prosecutors build voting rights cases. “That is largely for evidence gathering and after-the-fact review, if there might be some issue. That’s actually useful.”
Last week corrupt Democrat AG Garland threatened participants in the election audit in Arizona and any future audits for that matter: