Saturday, June 12, 2021

Maxine Waters is Dodging Being Served by Republican Joe Collins Who Accuses Her Of Defamation and Illegal Voting Practices

Republican Joe Collins is challenging Democrat Maxine Waters for her Congressional seat for the second time in 2022. The first time in 2020, he had two issues with Waters, for which he is suing her.  The first case for defamation, which was dismissed and appealed according to his legal counsel, Michael Douglas Carlin, and the second case for election interference in 2020, Carlin and Collins have described Waters as dodgy.

Joe Collins told The Gateway Pundit:

“Maxine Waters is dodging service of papers, she won’t even accept  legal papers anywhere I try to find her.  She has her office staff say they refuse to accept for her, and she is not anywhere to be found.”

Carlin explained the situation further, adding that he had video tapped himself trying to serve Waters in her Los Angeles office, at her California mansion, and even to Washington DC office. He could not find her, nor would her office staff accept the papers from him.

The three-part video evidence of his story is on his youtube page.

The first video in his three-part series is especially interesting because Carlin clearly shows that Waters staff, who is in the office, is lying and refuses to take the legal papers.

Collins had one lawsuit for defamation against Waters when she spent “$700,000′ to advertise an outright lie about Collin’s military service, claiming that Collis was dishonorably discharged.  Carlin told Gateway Pundit it is a slam dunk case, except for a Democrat judge who wants to be re-elected in a heavily Democrat area protecting Democrat Maxine Waters.

Carlin told Gateway Pundit:

“The defamation case is now a Veteran Rights issue and it is easy, because Collins either was or was not dishonrably discharged, and we are going to take that one all the way to the Supreme Court now. He was given an honorable discharge, it is in his DD214.  Joe wants to defend all Veterans.  If we let that one stand anyone can refer to Collins Versus Waters and say it is ok to lie about the service of a Veteran. We are appealing: COURT OF APPEAL: B312937 – Collins, III v. Waters, et al. [ Trial Court Case No: 20STCV37401 ].”

 The second case is an Election case, for which Waters refuses to be served. Carlin says he feels very optimistic about the case because what happened is illegal.  Carlin told the Gateway Pundit that he and Collins are prepared to take that one to the US Supreme Court as well and an appeal on the first ruling has been filed.

Carlin told TGP:

“I have tried to serve Maxine Waters six times. We had a hearing today and we will have another hearing in 60 days. There is a statute in California that the signatures must be validated for mail-in ballots, and none of them were. I believe the office was overwhelmed and understaffed and they just couldn’t verify signatures, but it is still illegal. Two other people were served for that case, without a problem.  This is a pretty standard case.  The Mail in Ballot boxes were left unattended at night, no one was watching them, anyone could have stuffed them leaving everything too ripe for fraud.”

Collins told GWP:

“Maxine could have used the power of the government to find out about my record, and she didn’t.  I came closer than anyone else to beating her, and she is scared of me. I want to fix Education and bring back Jobs to this area. We are focused on engagement here. Maxine doesn’t even know the people in her district. I do and I live here.”

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