Monday, June 7, 2021

Kathy Griffin gets lambasted after appearing to imply AOC isn't a US citizen: 'You represent Americans better than we represent ourselves'


Far-left comedian Kathy Griffin was berated on Twitter after she appeared to imply that Democratic U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is not a United States citizen.

What are the details?

Griffin replied to Ocasio-Cortez's infamous tweet last week about visiting her ill grandmother in Puerto Rico that included photos of her home in disrepair and blaming former President Donald Trump for lack of Hurricane Maria relief.

Critics immediately hit back at Ocasio-Cortez, given she makes almost twice the average U.S. salary as member of Congress and reportedly owns a Tesla and rents two apartments — all of which would seem to point to AOC having the means to help out her "abuela."

But Griffin was not in the aforementioned camp and heaped gooey praise on the congresswoman — and managed to look rather silly in the process:

"Thank you for continuing to do a great job," Griffin wrote back to AOC. "You represent Americans better than we represent ourselves."

Say what?

More than a few folks had a field day with Griffin for apparently implying that Ocasio-Cortez — who was born in the U.S. — is not an American citizen:

  • "Did you really just say AOC isn't an American? Lmao," one user wrote. "This is the leftist racism I was talking about. You insult people and think it's a compliment. Ya dingdongs."
  • "I'm pretty sure that @AOC was born in New York, Kathy," one commenter pointed out. "That would make her all-American."
  • "Do we need to see AOC's birth certificate Kathy?" another user asked sarcastically.
  • "White liberal women are by far the most racist people in our country," another commenter declared. "AOC is an American. SMH."
  • "So you are one of those white liberals they speak of that think non whites aren't real Americans and need your pity?" another user wondered. "Got it."
  • Another user answered the previous comment by saying, "Yup. If we have dark skin, we're victims and need the white liberals to protect us from the conservatives who want everyone to prosper, not just the liberal elite."
  • "She think she's not an American. Lol," another commenter remarked, after which another observed in response, "She instinctively thinks brown people aren't Americans."
  • "She was born here, thus is an American," another commenter said. "I know the left doesn't understand how that works, so thought I'd clear it up for you. Also she used to go by Sandy amongst her predominantly white peers in school. She's not stunning and brave."
  • "You have never represented Americans," another user told AOC before turning attention to Griffin. "PS...she grew up in NY's Westchester County, you loon. She does not do anything but ramble like a self important attention seeking fool, same as you do."
  • "Other fun things that Kathy says to Latina women: You clean our house better than we clean ourselves," another commenter wrote.
  • "Kathy, I used to love your shows. I stayed up for almost two days straight to get tickets for your last tour," another user and apparent fan replied. "But not this time, girl."

Oh, and then there was this response:

Image source: Twitter

Anything else?

Some commenters also just couldn't help bringing up the hilarious subplot of the AOC "abuela" debacle: The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh managed to attract huge donations — primarily, one would assume, from his conservative followers — to help out AOC's grandmother when all the congresswoman could muster was a blame game.

And, as we soon learned, Grandma's family reportedly refused what eventually amounted to over $100,000 in donations. Who woulda thunk it?

"Thanks AOC for ensuring your dear abuela lives in trash after denying her 100K that conservatives raised to better her life," one commenter pointed out. "Guess you can keep waiting for the ... powerful State to take care of her; you and Kathy are so smart."

Kathy Griffin gets lambasted after appearing to imply AOC isn't a US citizen: 'You represent Americans better than we represent ourselves' - TheBlaze

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