Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Did Joe Biden Actually Say These People Are the Greatest Terror Threat We Face? Is This a Joke?

 Did Joe Biden Actually Say These People Are the Greatest Terror Threat We Face? Is This a Joke?

It's at a point where you know where this is heading when it comes to Democrats taking the stump. Joe Biden spoke at length about the 100-year anniversary of the vicious Tulsa race riot. Yet, you can see where liberal Joe Biden and "woke" Joe Biden come out. The former is his usual self, the latter is the character he plays to pander to the vocal and increasingly militant progressive base of the Democratic Party. He's out of his element in that regard. Joe is a liberal, but this attempt at being a super lefty is just awkward. It's already bad enough that the man has multiple brain farts during these appearances. Of course, he had to channel liberal America's favorite pastime: hating white people. Worse, generating fear of white people. For a party that stresses unity, they sure know how to break out the racial cookie cutter to ensure the exact opposite. Joe Biden said that the greatest threat facing America is terrorism from white supremacy: 

No fact checks required; that's wrong. This isn't Tulsa 1921, Joe. There's this thing called progress. America has made great strides in race relations that you people seem eager to blow up to win a few extra electoral votes. There will always be work that needs to be done in this area. There will always be room for improvement, but Democrats seem fixated and obsessed with being stuck in the past. It feeds into their narrative of bashing America. It may also feed into their perpetual victimhood complex. Did the KKK blow up the Twin Towers in the 1990s? Did the Aryan Nations fly planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11? No. It was radical Islamic terrorists. You know, the people who recently fired thousands of rockets into Israel, Joe. You might have been asleep since your brain function is akin to that of a vegetable, but it happened. That was Hamas. They're bad people in case you didn't know; many members of your party seem to think otherwise. 

White supremacist groups are always overblown because the media shields and protects Islamic extremism for some reason. You all know this, but that's another long story. Fort Hood was radical Islam. Paris was radical Islam. Charlie Hebdo was radical Islam. The Chattanooga shootings at military recruitment centers were rooted in radical Islam. Pulse Nightclub was radical Islam. San Bernardino was radical Islam. The instances of Islamic terror striking America and killing Americans far outweighs that of the small band of losers who call themselves white supremacists. These people were thought to have preyed on Asian Americans. Wrong. That's mostly Black people, which is why "stop Asian hate" died a quick death in the media. They can't blame the GOP, Trump, or white dudes if most of the suspects in these Asian hate crimes are not white. Period. The liberal media establishment deployed countermeasures. There are tens of millions of supporters of radical Islam who want to kill us. That cannot be said for white supremacists, who get an ungodly amount of free media coverage whenever these liberal media clowns prop them up as the hordes of Mordor. It's several dudes in a basement watching re-runs of "Triumph of the Will."

Also, he said this: 

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