Tuesday, May 18, 2021



Current Time 0:00
Duration 5:39
** This Bio Weapon Will Eventually Contaminate the Planet and Infect Humanity
** The Airborne mRNA Injectable/Vaccine Bioweapon will infect the NonVaccinated
** The Vaccinated are Infecting the Non vaccinated by Shedding the Deadly Airborne mRNA Injectable Bioweapon
** Airborne mRNA Injectable/Vaccine Bioweapon Infecting the NonVaccinated
** The Infected and Contagious Vaccinated will infect the Non Vaccinated
** Walking Bioweapon Time Bombs Require Quarantine to Save Humanity

** Should We Stay Away From Those That Have Committed Vaccine Suicide? Virus Shedding Will Kill Vaxxed and Unvaxxed
- Jim Crenshaw, 18/Apr/2021
- Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zBHRRXEXG4fz/
-- Mike Adams breaks down what he believes to be the future of the people that take the gene therapy jab.
Weakened immune systems from mRNA jab, being around another vaxxed person could be deadly.
We will see death on a huge scale within 3 months to 1.5 years. Was this intentional from the creators of this shit shot. Did they ignore animal studies that showed this would happen, or did they use them as a guide for their Genocide against us? They are guilty of crimes against humanity.
Source: Mike Adams
** VACCINE SHEDDING: AIRBORNE NANO-BIOWEAPON RELEASED ** - Gates of Hell Opened - InfoWars - 16/Apr/2021 -- https://www.brighteon.com/153e0ce2-7223-4bcc-ad25-5d97d646ba6d
** Pregnant Doctor Who Pushed Covid Vaccine On Twitter Suffers Miscarriage
- Bit Chute, Jim Crenshaw – 09/Feb/2021
- Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lhHU3naCGMFU/
-- How brainwashed do you need to believe your own bullshit--so much so that you would kill your own unborn child and urge others to do so. I would venture to say that once she goes back to work she will not accept she was wrong, and will still push vaccines. She won't have to worry about this again because by now her and her husband are sterile or will soon be so. People are not awake in my opinion. If so I can't see it. It is dumb asses to the left and stupid fools to the right everywhere I look. I feel surrounded by low IQ morons everywhere I go. It makes no difference their education or background. These mental zombies are everywhere.
** DISTURBING: Unvaccinated Women Claim Unusual Menstrual Cycles & Miscarriages After Being Near Recently Vaccinated Individuals
- InfoWars, Alex Jones – 16/Apr/2021
- Video & Articles: https://www.infowars.com/posts/disturbing-unvaccinated-women-claim-unusual-menstrual-cycles-miscarriages-after-being-near-recently-vaccinated-individuals/
- Article & Video: https://davidicke.com/2021/04/16/disturbing-unvaccinated-women-claim-unusual-menstrual-cycles-miscarriages-after-being-near-recently-vaccinated-individuals/
-- Dozens of women are reporting bizarre menstrual issues and even miscarriages after being physically close to people who had recently received their COVID-19 vaccination.
Shocking number of serious reaction to ‘covid’ vaccine already and it’s only just begun.
An Instagram user recently posted a personal message about suddenly missing her menstrual cycle two months in a row after years of normal cycles.
Next, the Instagram user saw mainstream media reports about women who took the COVID vaccine experiencing “heavier and more painful periods” and having “breakthrough bleeding in the middle of a cycle after getting the shot.”
When the woman saw two separate testimonies from other females who said they weren’t vaccinated but had extremely unusual menstrual cycles, something clicked.
At this point, the Instagram user wondered if the issues vaccinated women were experiencing could be somehow transferred to unvaccinated women like herself.
After hypothesizing the spike protein in the experimental mRNA vaccine could potentially be shedding and causing illness in unvaccinated women, the woman’s Instagram was flooded with thousands of messages from people around the globe.
The account went from 9,000 to 30,000 followers in less than 24 hours and the woman started to post the hundreds of messages she received to her story.
The messages came in from around the planet in many different languages.
From unvaccinated pharmacists who administer COVID shots every shift having miscarriages to a woman claiming to have produced a positive pregnancy test while on her period, the testimonials are insane.
The women chiming in described abnormally heavy flows, early bleeding, spotting, totally skipping their periods for months in a row, miscarriages and even decidual casts.
After learning some women experienced decidual casts, where the lining of their uterus falls out, the Instagram user was sharp enough to do a simple search for the term on Google trends.
The term, which the woman says she never heard of before the testimonials, suspiciously spiked in search results during January 2021 as COVID vaccines were being rolled out.

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