Monday, May 24, 2021

Pop Singer Richard Marx Attacks Rand Paul: I’d Hug The Neighbor Who Assaulted Him

On Sunday, pop singer Richard Marx, who has taken aim at former President Trump in the past, targeted Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) by citing Paul’s neighbor who brutally attacked him, tweeting, “I’ll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.”

After Marx, who is known for such songs as “Don’t Mean Nothing,” “Satisfied” and “Right Here Waiting,” was criticized for the post, he responded, “You see, Johnny-Bob … unlike your hero/fuhrer now residing down at MaraLoco, I never incited nor even suggested anyone be violent. Certainly not towards the traitor known as Rand Paul. I’m just saying that the fact someone slugged him doesn’t break my heart.”

You see, Johnny-Bob…unlike your hero/führer now residing down at MaraLoco, I never incited nor even suggested anyone be violent. Certainly not towards the traitor known as Rand Paul. I’m just saying that the fact someone slugged him doesn’t break my heart.

— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) May 24, 2021

Reaction to Marx’s post came swiftly.

Paul’s chief strategist, Doug Stafford, fired back, “So, you’re a cheerleader for felony assault that resulted in six broken ribs, 3 displaced, multiple pneumonias and part of a lung being removed?”

Former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence Richard Grenell added, “Do you also celebrate the Iranian Regime pushing gay people off buildings?”

Actor Nick Searcy: “Leftists hate you and want you dead if you dare disagree with them.”

Fox News’ Joey Jones chimed in, “No one cares that you cheer on criminals Ricky. No one.”

The Washington Examiner’s Brad Polumbo: “Whenever Rand Paul says something controversial, Twitter leftists like this immediately leap to glorifying the vicious, violent assault the senator faced at his neighbor’s hands. It’s reprehensible.”


Marx was apparently targeting Paul because he had blocked a move in 2019 by Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York requesting unanimous consent, meaning no senator could cast an individual vote or debate the bill, on a bill funding health care for 9/11 responders in perpetuity. But Paul had been clear that his objection was driven only by a desire for an amendment to offset the cost of the bill.

Paul stated, “It has long been my feeling that we need to address our massive debt in this country – we have a $22 trillion debt, we’re adding debt at about a trillion dollars a year. And therefore any new spending that we are approaching, any new program that’s going to have the longevity of 70, 80 years, should be offset by cutting spending that’s less valuable. … We need to at the very least have this debate. I will be offering up an amendment if this bill should come to the floor, but until then I will object.”

Sen. Mike Lee of Utah also objected in principle to the bill passing without a vote. His communications director Conn Carroll told CNN, “He is seeking a vote to ensure the fund has the proper oversight in place to prevent fraud and abuse.”

Pop Singer Richard Marx Attacks Rand Paul: I’d Hug The Neighbor Who Assaulted Him | The Daily Wire

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