Saturday, May 1, 2021

Open Borders Activists Near White House Chant Silly Poem About What They Want


The bad news (for them): A group of open borders activists and illegal aliens demanded “total freedom” from both law enforcement and borders during a demonstration near the White House on Friday, with the Secret Service moving in to make multiple arrests.

The good news (for them): If there were ever an occupant of the Oval Office who would placate much of what the aforementioned demanded, Joe Biden is their guy.

According to a press release about the intent of the protest, as reported by Breitbart, illegal aliens, DACA recipients, and their “allies” moved to block traffic around the White House on Biden’s 100th day in office to protest what they described as “crumbs” from already-pandering Joe and the Democrat Party.

“Crumbs”? Northbound people movers at the border, Biden waving pom-poms, festive music played by welcoming mariachi bands, amount to “crumbs”? [sarc]

Several of the activists, some of whom are affiliated with the group Movimiento Cosecha (“Harvest Movement”), appeared to be the ringleaders. The 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization describes itself as follows.

Cosecha is a nonviolent movement fighting for permanent protection, dignity, and respect for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Our name, “harvest” in Spanish, honors the long tradition of farmworker organizing and the present-day pain of the thousands of undocumented workers whose labor continues to feed the country. […]

Our movement emerged from a year and a half of strategic planning by immigrant rights and Dreamer organizers who have watched politicians battle for our votes, only to stall legislation year after year. For this reason, Cosecha doesn’t rely on traditional tactics or dance with political parties.

Instead, we’re going on the offensive and calling for a series of strikes and boycotts to show that this country cannot function without immigrants. Our campaigns are multifaceted but all focus on building the power of the immigrant community and activating the public to our support strategy and cause.

Not to nitpick, but I’m unaware of anyone of consequence saying “this country cannot function without immigrants” — which would be a ridiculous claim given that immigrants founded America and generations continued to arrive — legally — eager to integrate and become contributing members of society in the greatest country in the history of the planet.

But illegal “immigration” and lax border security? Show me one country — just one — in the world that has survived with unlimited numbers of illegal aliens pouring across its borders.

I’ll wait.

Anyway, to say these people came prepared would be an understatement. Prior to the festivities, they even wrote a silly little naive poem to chant during their protest.

‘Cops and Borders, We Don’t Need Them! All We Want Is Total Freedom!’

Gema Lowe, one of the organizers from Movimiento Cosecha, in a statement echoed the word of the border surge of illegal alien-wannabes decked out in “Biden 2020” T-shirts, which were also emblazoned with “Please Let U In!”

“President Biden ended his first 100 days in office with broken promises and insufficient action for my community.

“Biden originally committed to a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants.

“Now he is ready to pursue a ‘piecemeal’ strategy instead that would exclude me and millions of others who have lived in this country for decades.”

“We deserve better. That is why today I am willing to risk arrest, detention, and deportation to demand papers, not crumbs,” Lowe added.

How can I put this, Gema? You deserve zero. Nada. ¿Comprender?

Whether illegal aliens are given the right to earn a “path to citizenship” is a different story. 

Clearly, Hector Morales, another organizer and DACA recipient, also operates under the same delusions as does his pal Gema. As Breitbart reported, he boasted he would risk arrest to “tell President Biden that I won’t accept piecemeal bills that exclude and criminalize my own community members.”

“I won’t accept these crumbs, he said, demanding “permanent protection for all.”

Secret Service agents arrested several activists as the protest unfolded, prompting “allies” to shout “we love you” and “we see you.”

Yet? Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, & Co. laughingly continue to blame the Biden Border Crisis on Donald Trump — even when the very people participating in the crisis do so based solely on Biden’s campaign promises.

The height of hypocrisy of the left is equaled only by the depth of its audacious dishonesty.

Open Borders Activists Near White House Chant Silly Poem About What They Want – RedState

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