Thursday, May 13, 2021

Obama urged to denounce 'black-on-Asian violence'


CCTV video captured an attack on an Asian man in the Bay Area

Role models such as President Obama and black pastors must denounce the wave of black-on-Asian violence in America, contends a writer and policy expert who immigrated from China.

The media profile of the perpetrators fomenting the hate-crime attacks is a Trump supporter who blames the COVID-19 pandemic on the Chinese people.

But Ying Ma, the author of "Chinese Girl in the Ghetto," says leaders "simply are afraid to utter the word 'black."

"What we need in this country is an uncomfortable but honest conversation about the prevelance of black crime in general and black-on-Asian violence in particular," she said in an interview Wednesday night with Fox News' Tucker Carlson.

Ma, whose book tells her story of moving from post-Mao China to an inner-city neighborhood in Oakland, said she was "a big fan of President Obama when he bluntly talked about fatherless black households back in 2008."

"That took courage, and that took honesty and leadership, and I do hope that he will display the same kind of courage and leadership on this particular issue," she said.

"Especially given that President Obama grew up in Asia, in Indonesia."

Leaders like that are needed, she said, to urge the black community "to engage in serious soul-searching."

Ma said "there is great friendship between blacks and Asians in this country."

"So, at this point, we are calling on our friends in the black community to please help, to please display some leadership on this issue."

See the segment:

Data from the New York Police Department, which compiles the most comprehensive and detailed hate-crimes statistics in the country, support Ma's concern.

The data show a black New Yorker is more than six times as likely to commit a hate crime against an Asian as a white New Yorker, points out Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald. In 2020, Mac Donald noted, blacks made up 50% of all suspects in anti-Asian attacks in New York City, even though blacks are 24% of the city’s population. Whites made up 10% of all suspects but account for 32% of the city’s population. If black Hispanics are included in the black category, blacks account for 60% of all anti-Asian attacks in 2020.

Among the recent incident, New York's WABC-TV reported an Asian woman in Manhattan was hit in the head with hammer by a stranger who demanded she take her mask off. The online report offered no details about the perpetrator, other than she was female, but video footage of the incident showed she was black.

See the WABC report:

In Mission Bay, California, a 26-year-old black man was arrested after repeatedly punching an Asian man who was walking with a 1-year-old in a stroller outside a store. A local KPIX-TV report identified the victim as an "Asian man" but the attacker was simply a suspect. However, surveillance video once again provided the full story.

A report by San Francisco's KGO featuring an interview with the victim also emphasized that he was Asian but didn't mention that the attacker is black.

KGO reported: "When asked if he thought the incident was racially motivated, Bruce said the thought did cross his mind, especially given the random nature of the attack and the number of attacks on Asian Americans in the past year."

See the attack:

Police in San Francisco arrested a man suspected of stabbing older two Asian women, one who is 85 years old. Both women underwent emergency surgery.

Earlier this month, the NYPD hate crimes unit began investigating two other assaults on Asian-Americans, CNN reported. In one attack, a 52-year-old woman sustained minor injuries when she was pushed while waiting for a subway train in Brooklyn. And a 15-year-old boy was taken to a hospital with minor injuries after he was approached by three people who allegedly made anti-Asian remarks and hit him.

'One all-powerful narrative'

Mac Donald argued that the media and the Democratic establishment are invested in "one all-powerful narrative."

For example, the murder of 10 people at a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, drew nonstop coverage when it was believed to be motivated by white supremacy. But when the suspect turned out to be a Muslim immigrant, media moved on to other stories.

In Atlanta, Mac Donald said, the false narrative that developed about the spa shootings in March "still has legs."

"It represents a double lie — first, that the massacre was the product of Trump-inspired xenophobic hatred, and second, that whites are the biggest perpetrators of violence against Asians," Mac Donald said.

Indeed, six of the eight victims of 21-year Robert Aaron Long, a white man, were Asian.

Protests across the nation featured signs declaring "I am not a virus"; "Asians are not viruses, racism is!!"; "End white supremacy now!"; and "All of us against racism."

An organizer of a protest in Alhambra, California, told the Los Angeles Times: "I think it's important for Black and Asian communities to work together on this because at the end of the day, it’s about dismantling white supremacy and speaking out against white racism."

Vice President Kamala Harris announced the attack shows "racism is real in America and it has always been."

But Mac Donald pointed out there was no evidence that Long was motivated by racism. He told police he had targeted the three spas to purge himself of his lust and his addiction to pornography. Long appears, Mac Donald said, to have targeted presumed sex workers who happened, given the demographics of the massage trade in Atlanta, to be Asian. In fact he told police he intended to target a business in Florida next that produced pornography, and the employees there were unlikely to be Asian.

Mac Donald noted that Reuters was reprimanded on social media for the headline "Sex addiction, not racial hatred, may have driven suspect in Georgia spa shootings."

Reuters revised the headline to "Motive in Georgia spa shootings uncertain, but Asian-Americans fearful."

Both Harris and President Biden dismissed the relevance of the motive. 'Whatever the killer’s motive, these facts are clear," Harris said. "Six out of the eight people killed on Tuesday night were of Asian descent." And Biden said, "Whatever the motivation, we know this: Too many Asian-Americans have been walking up and down the streets and worrying."

But when it comes to "hate crimes," Mac Donald argued, "motive is the entire issue."

Last month, the Senate overwhelmingly passed an anti-Asian hate crimes bill that was said to have gained momentum after the shootings of the Asian women in Atlanta.

'They are pretending to care now'

Mac Donald recounted the details of numerous incidents of attacks on Asians in the Bay Area and New York City this year, noting "the suspects in all of these cases were black; the news reports rarely mentioned that detail."

"Had the suspects been white, their race would have led each news report, as it did for Robert Aaron Long," she wrote.

A former member of the Oakland police department's robbery undercover suppression team told Mac Donald the racial pattern of the attacks and the lack of coverage is longstanding.

He said no one cares about Asian robbery victims.

"We used to follow around elderly Asians, waiting for the bad guys to start circling. This has been one of my long-term frustrations," he said. "They are pretending to care now but ironically blaming it on white supremacy," even though the suspects in Asian robbery attacks are almost exclusively black.

Inner-city animus against Asian small business owners is also longstanding, Mac Donald said, as the 1992 Los Angeles riots and the 1990 Big Apple grocery boycott in New York City illustrate.

Mac Donald warned that the "lie about white supremacist violence is not innocuous."

"It forms the basis of the Biden administration’s policy in national security and in a host of domestic welfare programs," she said. "It is the pretext for Big Tech and Big Media's silencing of speech. And the shamelessness with which that lie is constructed grows more brazen by the day. It must be fought with facts before it irrevocably alters our culture."

Mac Donald is known for her extensive research of data refuting the claim of systemic racism in policing. In a presentation reported by WND , she cited mainstream studies showing a white officer is much more likely to shoot an unarmed white suspect than a black suspect. And a police officer is up to 30 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.

Obama urged to denounce 'black-on-Asian violence' (

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