Wednesday, May 12, 2021

CDC Admits: More Dead from COVID-19 Vaccine Than ALL Vaccines From Last 20 Years Combined


This is now fact, not speculation.

More people have died from the COVID-19 vaccine than from all other vaccines over the last 20 years… COMBINED.

That’s right: the vaccine that is supposed to “protect” you from COVID is now responsible for killing more people than all the other vaccines put together.

Does that make you feel safe yet?

This isn’t our calculation.

This number has been confirmed by the CDC itself.

More details on this alarming new figure below:

We’ve been told again and again that the vaccine is safe.

We’ve also been told to trust the science and to trust the experts.

Well… now the scientific experts at the CDC are telling us the vaccine is deadlier than all the other vaccines!

WND has a breakdown of the CDC’s revealing statement on their website:

There have been nearly as many deaths from complications following inoculation with the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines” as there have been for all previous vaccines total since Jan. 1, 2001. In fact, the data are five days old so the gap, which was at four on May 3, has almost certainly been bridged.

According to the CDC website: “Over 245 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from Dec. 14, 2020, through May 3, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 4,178 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports.”

The website went on to boldly proclaim that a “review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.” This is important medical editorializing so as not to scare people. The CDC has a vested interest in getting as many people vaccinated as possible, so even when burying the important data about deaths at the bottom of a page intended to assuage concerns over these experimental drugs, they did so with every intention of making people take it.

Of course, the concern over the vaccine is nothing new.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has been raising legitimate questions.

However, after a segment last week questioning the vaccine, Carlson’s segment was BANNED from YouTube.

Fortunately, people have been ripping the segment and sharing it online.

Watch it below before Big Tech takes it down again:

More and more people are raising questions.

As they should.

But similar to the 2020 presidential election, rather than answering these questions with transparency and integrity, people are refusing to talk about the numbers.

Fortunately for us, the numbers speak for themselves.

Conservative commentator David J. Harris, Jr. had this to say:

On Wednesday night’s episode of Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host Tucker Carlson asked a very important question:

“How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccines? Not Americans who’ve been killed by the virus, that’s a huge number, but how many Americans have died after getting the vaccines designed to prevent the virus? Do you know the answer to that question? Do you know anything about the downside? We know a lot about the upside of the vaccine. We’ve been completely in favor of vulnerable people taking vaccines.”

With our federal government teetering on the edge of going full authoritarian concerning getting the COVID vaccine, do you know all the risks involved? President Joe Biden was on television Tuesday talking about vaccines, about how he wants us all to get one. In fact, everyone with authority wants you to get the COVID vaccine and they are starting to apply enormous pressure for people like me who have been holding out to get the shot.

The Biden administration has said that they won’t force COVID vaccine passports or anything like that but when he said that Dr. Fauci also indicated, or was it a dog whistle, to institutions and corporations that they would start using some form of a COVID vaccine passport to let you into the building or use their services. You may not be able to fly on an airplane or go to work or even educate your children if you don’t get the vaccine. Friends and family members may tell you that you’re not welcome at their homes or events if you have not yet been vaccinated.

Okay, so a lot of you are contemplating on getting the vaccine because you don’t want to have to deal with the immense pressure being applied on you, but before you get that shot, do you know anything at all about the possible risks of getting the shot? You probably don’t know what I’m about to tell you, and you should know because it’s your life we’re talking about.

People don’t normally associate vaccines with causing serious problems, even fatalities, because vaccines for the most part are not dangerous, at least according to the numbers. About 160 million Americans get the flu shot each year, as do I, proving that I am not an anti-vaxxer. I just have questions about the COVID vaccine that I can’t really find too many people to answer.

Tucker said, “Every year, a relatively small number of people seem to die after getting those shots. To be precise, in 2019, that number was 203 people. The year before, it was 119. In 2017, a total of 85 people died from the flu shot.”

Out of 160 million people who get the flu shot, those numbers of people who died, every one of them being tragic to their loved ones, aren’t significant enough for the rest of us to consider not getting the flu shot.

Carlson wanted to know how many people have died from getting the COVID vaccine:

“We checked today. Here’s the answer, which comes from the same set of government numbers that we just listed: Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Three thousand, three hundred and sixty-two — that’s an average of 30 people every day. So, what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23. We don’t have numbers past that, we’re not quite up to date. But we can assume that another 360 people have died in the 12 days since. That is a total of 3,722 deaths. Almost four thousand people died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher.” [emphasis added]

How come no one is talking about that? Do doctors and other medical personnel now instinctively know that you’re not supposed to talk about anything that violates the Woke Supremacy’s stance on COVID? This is our lives we’re talking about.

These are legitimate questions.

And these are serious concerns.

So why aren’t our “leaders” more willing to be transparent?

If they really want to earn the trust of the American people, perhaps they should begin with full transparency and integrity to the public.

Public health is at stake!

CDC Admits: More Dead from COVID-19 Vaccine Than ALL Vaccines From Last 20 Years Combined (

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