Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Group Of Republicans Call For Investigation Into John Kerry

Kerry has denied the allegations

In their letter, the members of Congress asked Shaw a number of questions regarding the allegations and said both the situation and Kerry in particular need to be investigated.

“We write to draw your attention to recent allegations surrounding United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry. We are appalled by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s claim that Mr. Kerry, as Secretary of State, revealed Israel’s covert attacks on Iranian interests in Syria. Iran poses an existential threat to Israel, the United States’ key ally in the Middle East, and it has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to attack Israel directly, both through proxies and from its positions in Syria. Given the gravity of the security threat Iran poses to U.S. and Israeli interests, we respectfully ask that you fully investigate these allegations,” the letter states.

The lawmakers asked Shaw five questions in the letter:

Was the Department of State aware of these allegations before they were reported by the New York Times?

What is the status of Special Envoy Kerry’s security clearance?

What were the circumstances surrounding the alleged leak of information from former Secretary Kerry to Mr. Zarif, including the timing of the alleged conversation?

What role has Special Envoy Kerry had in the formulation of the Biden Administration’s policy on reentering the JCPOA?

Are you aware of any follow-on attacks made by Iranian proxies against Israel or its forces after Special Envoy Kerry’s alleged conversation with Foreign Minister Zarif?

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