Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Cruz Wrecks Stacey Abrams' 'Stolen Election' Claims Right to Her Face

Democratic Party grifter and non-Georgia governor Stacey Abrams was grilled by GOP Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday when the latter pointed out that the former has yet to formally concede the 2018 Peach State gubernatorial race.

Abrams, if you’ll recall, lost the state’s race in 2018 to GOP candidate Brian Kemp. Neither candidate was the best choice for Georgians, in retrospect. But Kemp did defeat Abrams by more than 54,00 votes — and he’s certainly proved to have been the better bad choice between the pair.

Abrams, immediately upon losing, resorted to blaming alleged racist voter disenfranchisement for her defeat.

“More than 200 years into Georgia’s democratic experiment, the state failed its voters,” Abrams said in a speech 10 days after the Nov. 6 election, The New York Times reported.

Abrams claimed that “eight years of systemic disenfranchisement, disinvestment and incompetence had its desired effect on the electoral process in Georgia.”

“Let’s be clear: This is not a speech of concession because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true or proper,” Abrams added, when admitting she had no path to the governor’s mansion.

Abrams had complained that she was cheated after Georgia purged dead citizens or voters who had no proof of residency from its rolls — a practice that should be routine for elections officials.

Fast-forward to Tuesday, in a political landscape in which concession is demanded to be mandatory from GOP candidates or they risk incitement of insurrection accusations. Abrams came face to face with Cruz after Democrats in the Senate paraded her out as an expert on why Georgia’s new election laws are racist.

Abrams’ appearance before a Senate Judiciary Committee didn’t go over so well for the Democratic Party activist.

“It’s been over two years, and you still refuse to concede that you lost the race for governor in Georgia in 2018,” Cruz asked Abrams. “Yes or no, today, do you still maintain that the 2018 Georgia election was stolen?”

Abrams of course skirted around the question by using some linguistic gymnastics.

“As I have always said, I acknowledged at the very beginning that Brian Kemp won under the rules that were in place,” she said.

“What I object to are rules that permitted thousands of Georgia voters to be denied their participation in this election, to have their votes cast out. And so I will continue to disagree with the system until it is fixed.”

Abrams, who couldn’t win under “the rules in place,” then dodged a direct question from Cruz regarding her non-concession, apparently not liking the binary “yes or no” basis of the query.

She did, however, state that she is adamant that she believes the 2018 election was stolen.

“My full language was that it was stolen from the voters of Georgia. We do not know what they would have done because not every eligible Georgian was permitted to participate fully in the election,” she said onscreen, as she appeared remotely.

Cruz then used statistics to trample Abrams’ argument that she lost her race because of voter disenfranchisement and racism, reminding her she once said that she lost because of voter “suppression.”

“Ms. Abrams, do you know, in Georgia, whether the percentage of African-American Georgians who are registered to vote and who turned out to vote, is it higher or lower than the national average?” the senator asked.

Cruz offered up that Georgia, in 2018, saw 64.7 percent of black residents registered to vote. The Texan then pointed out that the national average for black voter registration is 60.2 percent.

He additionally pointed out that the overall percentage of Peach State residents who voted in the 2018 election was 56.3 percent, while the national average is 48 percent.

What followed was a mic drop of a moment by Cruz.

“In 2018, do you know which demographic group in Georgia had the highest registration percentage and the highest turnout percentage?” Cruz asked.

“I have a guess but I will defer to you for the answer,” Abrams answered.

“The answer is African-Americans had the highest registration and the highest turnout, despite your claiming that the election was stolen and that there was somehow voter suppression,” Cruz said.

Abrams ignored Cruz and went on to try to spin aspects of the controversial new Georgia voting law, but if there were a mercy rule for Senate committee hearings, someone should have invoked it.

Abrams has for more than two years hanged her hat on the accomplishment that she closely lost an election — and her gripes about losing it have catapulted her to national fame and Democratic Party superstardom.

Tuesday, when facing someone who was not willing to tiptoe around her false claims that she was cheated, Abrams was exposed as being a sore loser with an internet connection.

Cruz Wrecks Stacey Abrams' 'Stolen Election' Claims Right to Her Face (

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