A cadre of current and former teachers in Loudoun County, Virginia, created a blacklist of parents suspected of disagreeing with controversial racial topics taught in schools.

The group’s stated purpose in part is to “infiltrate” and use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications and to “expose them publicly.”

A private Facebook group called “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” named parents who deviated from leftist orthodoxy. Some group members used fake identities according to the Daily Wire.

The sheriff’s criminal investigations division is reviewing the situation.

According to The Daily Wire, the county’s prosecutor was “narrowly elected with the help of $845,000 in cash from George Soros, appears to be a member of the Facebook group.”

The Daily Wire reported, “Secret communications reviewed by The Daily Wire do not offer any evidence of racism by the group’s targets, or even attempt to. Their opponents were apparently those who objected to, sought to debate, or were even simply “neutral” about “critical race theory,” a radical philosophy opposed by many liberals and conservatives but increasingly embraced by governments.”

Loudoun’s school system has been known to spend large amounts of time and cash to flood its curricula and policies with racial rhetoric. It paid about $500,000 to one racial consulting company alone. It also forced staff to undergo “Equity in the Center” training that focused on social justice indoctrination.

A failed proposal would have banned teachers from disagreeing with the schools’ racial propaganda, even when off-campus.

On January 20, the school board’s ‘Equity Committee’ voted to offer racially charged training to parents.

A mother named Jen Durham, a member of the “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” Facebook group, called for volunteers to commit espionage against blacklisted parents.

She posted:

This is a call for volunteers to combat the anti-CRT activities of the P.A.C.T. folks, the stoplcpscrt website, and the like. Looking for folks who are interested in volunteering to organize, lead, execute, and donate regarding the following points:

Gather information (community mailing lists, list of folks who are in charge of the anti-CRT movement, lists of local lawmakers/folks in charge)

Infiltrate (create fake online profiles and join these groups to collect and communicate information, hackers who can either shut down their websites or redirect them to pro-CRT/anti-racist informational webpages)

Spread information (expose these people publicly, create online petitions, create counter-mailings)

Find a way to gather donations for these efforts. Volunteering is great, but these activities can be costly and not everyone has extra funds readily available

Anyone who is interested in this, please feel free to comment here or PM me directly and indicate what you can help with. Then we can hold a kickoff call and start on action items.

“I’m listing them this way: -First name -Last name -Alias(es) -Location,” Durham wrote.

“I’m losing any hope that remaining civil towards these people changes anything,” she wrote. “Avoiding these people isn’t enough to stop the spread of their evil rhetoric.”

“Anyone know any hackers?” she reiterated.

Group members immediately listed dozens of parents, often their addresses and their employers or their spouses’ names.

The Daily Wire reported that the Facebook group includes “school board members Denise Corbo, Leslee King, and Ian Sorotkin; commonwealth attorney Buta Bibaraj; county supervisor Juli Briskman; NAACP Loudoun branch president Michelle Thomas; and Gazal Modhera, a lawyer with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.”

Teachers Plot Against Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum | CauseACTION Clarion