Thursday, March 18, 2021

Rep. McCarthy Files Resolution to Kick Eric Swalwell off Intel Committee

Rep. McCarthy Files Resolution to Kick Eric Swalwell off Intel Committee

Having survived FartGate unscathed, Rep. Eric Swalwell may finally face consequences for one of his actual scandals.

Axois broke the story in December that Fang Fang, a suspected Chinese spy, had targeted a number of California politicians. Among them was Rep. Swalwell. U.S. officials believe she targeted them as part of a political operation by China’s main civilian spy agenda between 2011-2015. Fang took part in fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign, and his office was aware of these activities. Fang also helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office.

Now, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is filing a resolution aimed at removing Swalwell from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which is long overdue.

As Fox News reported:

The two-page resolution — obtained by Fox News — says Swalwell, D-Calif., “has not denied public reporting that a suspected Chinese intelligence operative helped raise money for Representative Swalwell’s political campaigns” and “other troublesome elements of public reporting.”

The McCarthy, R-Calif., resolution also cites the House rule that “A Member… of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.”

Swalwell was not accused of any wrongdoing and cooperated with the FBI when he was informed that Fang was a spy. But he has repeatedly refused to answer questions from Fox News about whether his relationship with Fang was romantic or sexual and nature.

Swalwell responded by calling this the “New McCarthyism” (pun intended?) in a tweet, before falsely accusing him of “support for QAnon.”

After the resolution is introduced on the House floor, it must be considered either immediately or within two legislative days. Democrats will likely table the resolution. A number of other GOP Reps have voiced support for it.

While Democrats may not be taking this seriously, we all know exactly how they’d react if a Republican politician were potentially compromised by a Russian spy.

Rep. McCarthy Files Resolution to Kick Eric Swalwell off Intel Committee | Dan Bongino

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