Wednesday, March 17, 2021

‘Not At The Moment’: Biden Won’t Visit U.S.-Mexico Border Amid Crisis

Joe Biden has not been doing much of anything lately.

This week, the administration kicked off their “Help is Here” tour of the nation, which he thinks will be a good way of showcasing the highly partisan $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill.

While Biden has largely stayed away from the press or taking tough questions from non-allies, he did speak to reporters on Tuesday afternoon outside the White House.

When asked if he plans to visit the U.S.-Mexico border amid the unprecedented migrant crisis, Biden mumbled four words: “Not at the moment.”


The moment seemed to catch a lot of attention on Twitter.

The overcast sky made it look as if Biden did not have any hair and there was also a weird moment with the microphone.

Check out some of the responses below:

There was also a weird moment where Biden’s hand suddenly jumped in front of a microphone:

While many in the mainstream media are giving Biden a pass for the border crisis, some may not realize that Biden just spent another night at his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

Last weekend, Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, took Marine One to their Wilmington home and didn’t return to Washington until Sunday.

On Tuesday, Biden was in Chester, Pennsylvania, to supposedly discuss the relief bill that they claim is so popular.

Biden then spent the night at his home in Wilmington on Tuesday night, marking his 4th overnight trip back home since January 20, the New York Post noted.

Why does he keep staying away from the White House so much?

Earlier on Tuesday, Kamala Harris had quite the exchange with a reporter over the relief bill.

Harris lashed out when asked why Biden’s administration feels the need to “sell” the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan if it’s so popular.

Harris spoke to reporters during a visit to Las Vegas and was asked: “Madam Vice President, the White House said — the White House has said repeatedly that this is a very popular law. If that’s the case, why is it important to get out and sell it?”

“It’s not selling it,” Harris objected. “It’s literally letting people know their rights. Right?”

“It’s kind of like you — you buy a product, you’ve already been sold a product, but you need some directions on the box usually. Right?” she asked.

“And so this is about, ‘Hey, know that you’re entitled to this. File your taxes so that you can speed up the benefits that you’re going to receive. Talk to your friends and neighbors about getting vaccinations because we are speeding up the delivery and the supply of vaccinations in sites like UNLV,’” Harris continued.

“These are the things we’re doing to let people know what they’re entitled to and spread the word. Think of it more as a public education campaign. This is what’s happening, this is what you’re entitled to receive, and so go out there and get it. Okay,” she added.

Another reporter asked Harris about any planned tax increases to cover all the “Help” that is “Here.”

She literally said she didn’t know yet.

Watch the exchange below:

The emphasis on Harris shouldn’t surprise the American people considering Biden’s mental state continues to decline.

Conservative pundit Dan Bongino, who is also a former Secret Service agent, told Fox News host Sean Hannity that his sources inside the agency are telling him Joe Biden’s mental state is deteriorating to the point it is becoming very problematic.

Bongino went on to say that even sources he has outside of the Secret Service but who are still in Biden’s orbit know that he’s not just “lost a step” but he’s lost the ability to function adequately.

'Not At The Moment': Biden Won't Visit U.S.-Mexico Border Amid Crisis - Conservative Brief

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