Sunday, March 28, 2021

Maxine Waters: Police Believe Their Job ‘Is to Keep Black People in Their Place’

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Sunday on Spectrum News 1’s “In Focus SoCal” that police in America believe “their greatest challenge and their greatest choir is to keep black people in their place.”

Anchor Tanya McRae asked, “We again witnessed racial tensions explode in this country after the death of George Floyd. Why do you think this country has such difficulty learning from history and making real changes when it comes to violence and injustice done to black people.”

Waters said, “I believe that it stems from the history of this country. It stems from slavery when whites were absolutely in charge, and they absolutely controlled the lives of people and their families. They decided to separate families and send the boys in one direction, the girls in another the mothers to the big house. I mean, they’ve always been in charge. I think that this thinking about the need to control, the need to you know, make sure that people stay in their place, so-called, has been what has basically what has happened in America all of these years. And I think it continues in various ways. Sometimes a little bit more sophisticated ways.”

She added, “The police, I think really believe and in some ways are led to believe that their greatest challenge and their greatest choir is to keep black people in their place.”

Maxine Waters: Police Believe Their Job 'Is to Keep Black People in Their Place' (

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