Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Trump Just Thumped the Democrats and That's a "Win" for the Country

“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun…I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people.” Donald Trump, President of the United States

The Democrats approached the impeachment with the same cockiness that they approach everything. They thought they’d stomp their feet and run around with their hair on fire, and eventually people would see the righteousness of their cause. But it didn’t go down like that. Instead, the Trump defense team opened a can of whoop ass on the lot of them leaving the Dems wondering what hit them. They seemed surprised that they couldn’t win a conviction based on vitriol, character assassination and slanted news coverage. And they were genuinely shocked when their doctored videos and fake evidence was exposed to the public as the fraud it was. This was supposed to be the final drubbing of Donald Trump, instead, it turned out to be a revealing window into the degraded soul of declining party. In the end, Trump walked away unscathed while the Dems were left licking their wounds. Hurrah for Trump!

Now Trump is more powerful than when he was in the White House. His following has grown, his reputation as a fighter has ballooned, and his Democratic opposition has been exposed as incompetent, vindictive and thoroughly corrupt. That’s about as close to a total victory as it gets in politics. Trump has effectively vanquished his enemies and made himself the most powerful politician in America. He’s a conservative Colossus, a Republican kingmaker who is now in a position to hand-pick the party’s leaders in the next election cycle and (perhaps) for many cycles to come. As Marjorie Taylor Greene so aptly put it: “Trump IS the Republican party. It’s his party now”.

Who would disagree?

So now comes the reckoning. Already the pressure is building on the backstabbers, dimwits and apostates like McConnell, Graham, Sasse, Romney and the wretched Liz Cheney. Already the exodus of NeverTrumpers has begun in earnest. Soon the trickle will turn to a torrent as the “old guard” toadies and quislings make their way for the exits never to darken the halls of Congress again. Good riddance.

Some readers might recall how Steve Bannon’s top priority in 2016 was to clean out the GOP stables and purge the globalist double-dealers whose only goal was to cling to power by pandering to the Big Money guys who have been selling America down the river for decades. Now they’ll all be shown the door. It’s hard to believe, but the Republican Party has become the party of working people while the Dems are caught in the iron-grip of Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teacher’s unions, China and Israel. The impeachment has helped people to see what’s really going on. The Democrats are not linked to the Establishment. They ARE the establishment, and by establishment, I mean Swamp; the unprincipled, self-serving, namby-pamby meat puppets whose sole goal in life is to accommodate their globalist-oligarch bosses. The Dems have made no effort to reach out to working class people and address their interests. And there’s a reason for this: It’s because they have nothing but contempt and disdain for working class people. But you probably knew that already.

And let’s not mince words, Trump won the election fair and square. He IS the President of the United States, no two-ways about it. Whatever residence he occupies, that is the White House, that is the seat of government. Nearly 100 million Americans do not accept the results of the fraudulent election. These people know what happened and they won’t be bullied or threatened into saying different. Trump won. End of story.

Volumes have been already been written about the Big Steal, so I won’t bore you with the details here. Needless to say, the cognitively-impaired cadaver presently in the White House did not get 12 million more votes than Obama (Biden got 81 million votes while Obama got 69 million), 7 million votes more than Trump (Trump got 74 million votes in 2020) and a whopping 16 million more votes that Hillary. (Clinton got 65 million in 2016) The idea is laughable. The most gaffe-prone, tedious, empty-suit politico of all-time, did not garner 12 million more votes than Barack Obama. That did NOT happen. Which is not to say that Trump won the election easily. No, not at all. He needed the Democrats to help him, which they did quite eagerly.

In their typical ‘circular firing squad’ manner, the Dems tipped the scales in Trump’s favor when they offered their tacit support to BLM and Antifa for rioting and burning down cities across the country. That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back and shoved Trump across the finish line. It’s also why Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than 2016, and why he increased his support among minorities across the board. Growing numbers of blacks and Hispanics understand that the charges of “racism” directed against Trump are a pathetic attempt to divert attention from the relentless class war the Dems are waging on working class people of all colors. Now take a look at this excerpt from an interview with pollster Robert Cahaly who explains what happened in the run-up to the election:

“What we’ve seen, is the blue-collar, Midwestern voters that were considered Democrats, for the last 20 something years who had been part of the Reagan democrat coalition, came back. They came back because they felt like there was a candidate who appealed more to regular working class Americans than any Republican ever had. I mean, let’s face it, Mitt Romney was the opposite of a Republican who appealed to working class Americans….

….there are people who are suburban, with upper-middle income, higher educated mothers, who just did not like Trump on a personal level. But, they saw this level of violence, and they saw all the chaos that ensued. And what we hear from them is: I don’t like Trump, but I can’t be for that. It’s almost like they’ve been looking for a reason to hold their nose and vote for Trump and they found it.

On voter motivation:

… Until about six months ago, there were a lot of people motivated to vote against Donald Trump. But then, in the wake of the tragedy of Mr Floyd being murdered, there were protests. And some of those protests turned into violence. That violence turned into a defund the police movement, and a Black Lives Matter movement that went beyond simply protecting black lives — there were calls for statues to be torn down. We got to the point a week before July 4th, where people were suggesting Mount Rushmore was offensive.

All of a sudden, Americans who weren’t even necessarily big fans of Donald Trump said ‘what is happening in my country?’ There became a genuine debate as to whether America’s foundation, its principles, its purpose was good or bad. People still believe in America. If you make that choice, where one side thinks that America has a history to apologize for, and isn’t a good force in the world and the other side feels like America is a good force in the world, and has a history to learn from…That’s not a good scenario for an American get elected President. I think Joe Biden on the wrong side of that.

On the riots:

The slump starts every time somebody shares a video of somebody else. So when a Molotov cocktail is thrown in the street of a town, or people see messages about defunding police, or people talking about killing policemen and how that would be fair — that’s the stuff that also motivates people to vote against. And that stuff is not happening in a vacuum. It took Biden’s campaign a month to actually admit they were against the violence that they saw…. the fact that Biden did a reverse course and sort of criticized the violence after months of embracing it, or suggesting it doesn’t exist, tells me he knows it’s real.” (“Robert Cahaly: how we got the polls right“, Unherd)

Isn’t that a great analysis of what took place before the election? Trump’s stature as a candidate gradually grew–not because he was the best president ever or because everyone loved him– but because the country was under siege by anarchist throng that were wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere they went. For a while it seemed like our traditional way of life, our system of laws, and, yes, our very civilization, was about to collapse in a heap. And the one thin-reed the American people could cling to, was Donald J. Trump, the last line of defense against the Marxist mob that was burning and looting everything in its path.

This is what happened. And this is why people like me–who never voted for a Republican in my life– voted for Trump. It’s because the Democrats forced them to do so by tacitly green-lighting the violent and destructive activities of maniacal leftists run amok.

This bitter experience of the last few months has caused many of us to reassess our political loyalties. It’s also helped us to wash the mud from our eyes and admit to what we actually see. And, what we see is that there’s no place in the Democratic party for working people. None. Ask yourself these few questions:

Who supports the trade laws that off-shore our businesses and outsource our jobs?

The Democrats.

Who sends our sons and daughters off to wars so that Wall Street and globalist oligarchs can seize more of the world’s vanishing resources?

The Democrats.

Who is leading the charge on Internet censorship, basically banning anyone who holds a contrary view on Covid (than the MSM) or anyone challenging the election results?

The Democrats.

Whose governors have shut down their states and pushed the country into the worst recession in modern times, throwing millions out of work, closing the schools and churches, increasing the incidents of drug abuse, child abuse, alcohol abuse, homicide, mental illness, depression, poverty and blanket immiseration the people in their charge?

The Democrats.

The Democrats have made it perfectly clear that they despise Americans who work for a living, who go to church on Sunday, who own guns, and who put out the flag on the 4th of July. They despise us. They call us “deplorables” because we scrimp to get by from paycheck to paycheck, and because we pay our bills on time and because we try to raise our kids with real values. We are not “enlightened” like our Democrat friends who cry “equity” as they tear down statues of our founders and war heroes. We don’t think that wearing a mask is a sign of moral superiority. We don’t think that slashing funding for police departments will improve security for ordinary people, shopkeepers or the elderly. We don’t seek to erase our borders in order to abandon our sovereignty so that we can be subsumed into their globalist “reset” plan in which the biggest “stakeholders” (the global monopolies and multi-nationals) will control all the levers of state power. We don’t want any of that, which is why we are glad that Trump defeated the Democrats once again, giving us hope that the Republic will eventually be restored and we can get back to business.

So, this should be a happy day, a day for celebration. The Democrats have overplayed their hand and come up Snake-eyes. They lost in stunning fashion which paves the way for more victories in the future. Sure, they’ll disparage us and call us “white supremacists” and “domestic terrorists” because we don’t share their enlightened “liberal” world view. But their hatred will only make us stronger. We know who we are. We are the Deplorables, we are the glue that holds this country together. We won’t be crushed, we won’t be exterminated, we won’t be silenced, and we won’t be told what to think by CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the propaganda networks. We see through their lies and we will hold-fast to what we believe. And what we believe is that the country is now in the hands of an imposter president who will not act in the interests of the American people, but will do the bidding of the powerful elites and foreign oligarchs who hold his puppet-strings. These are the people who want to destroy our country, depose our leaders, and impose their own dystopian New World Order on us. We can’t let that happen.

This second impeachment proves that these people can be beaten, because they were beaten. They lost and we won.

If that’s not reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is.

Hurrah for the Deplorables!

Trump just Thumped the Democrats and that's a "Win" for the Country, by Mike Whitney - The Unz Review

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