Monday, February 8, 2021

The Top 14 Best Conservative Media Outlets

With Fake News dominating the “mainstream” media and running rampant on the Internet, it’s hard to find a reliable source of common sense and factual reporting to help us maintain our sanity and fight the lies. But rest assured, the Internet is a very large place, and there are quite a few truly remarkable outlets that can provide you with your daily dose of the truth, unapologetically and politically incorrect.

These outlets cover a wide array of topics, from politics and culture, to entertainment and history, all with a devotion to conservatism and our great nation.

Here are the Top 14 Best Conservative Outlets to follow, including some of the best writers from each.
1. Newsbusters (@NewsBusters): When there’s liberal bias in the media, who are you gonna call? Newsbusters regularly publishes content featuring the most absurd statements and downright lies by Leftists in the FakeNews Industrial Complex, including video clips and full transcripts. If you ever need to grab a ridiculous quote from MSNBC or CNN, this is surely the best place to go.

2. City Journal (@CityJournal): The City Journal features excellent long-form articles on just about everything, from culture to technology, from the economy to geo-politics, and from the founding principles of Western Civilization to the most relevant political issues of the day. The Journal’s vast expanse of contributors includes such men as Andrew Klavan (@AndrewKlavan) and Sir Roger Scruton (@Roger_Scruton).

3. PJ Media (@PJMedia_com): A member of our great Salem Media Family, PJ Media is where you can find some of the most hard-hitting commentary against the Left, unapologetically going after some of the most radical Democrats in America today. In addition to politics, PJ Media also covers Faith and Lifestyle, providing a multifaceted approach to every possible aspect of daily life.

4. Washington Times (@WashTimes): The Washington Times is perhaps the quintessential exemplar of what a balanced, unbiased media outlet should look like. This daily newspaper covers all the latest breaking news and showcases great commentary from such writers as Charlie Hurt (@CharlesHurt) and Stephen Moore (@StephenMoore). It has the budget and professional appearance of the nation’s largest newspapers, but with none of the FakeNews.

5. Town Hall (@townhallcom): Another member of the Salem Media Family, Town Hall features some of the best columns you will ever read, with an equal balance of going after the Left and tearing into fake “conservatives” who are anti-Trump or who otherwise harm the broader conservative agenda. Some of their best writers include “Colonel K.” Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter), Fox News regular Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich), and the podcast team “Triggered” (@TriggeredTHM).

6. The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller): Perhaps no other site on the internet does a better job of belting out dozens upon dozens of articles and videos every single day, about the latest breaking news topics. From exclusive interviews and scoops to insightful commentary, The Daily Caller is always a guaranteed source of the latest in our world, every hour of every day. Some of their contributors include guest on our show such as Stephanie Hamill (@STEPHMHAMILL).

7. The Daily Signal (@DailySignal): “The Mothership of Conservatism,” the Heritage Foundation has its very own fantastic publication with The Daily Signal, which covers a wide array of topics including our progress in the culture war. The outlet showcases the best minds that Heritage has to offer, as well as many of our past guests on America First, including James Carafano (@JJCarafano), Jarrett Stepman (@JarrettStepman), Hans von Spakovsky (@HvonSpakovsky), and their Editor-in-Chief Rob Bluey (@RobertBluey).

8. Claremont Review of Books (@ClaremontInst): The publication arm of the excellent Claremont Institute, the CRB features some of the most erudite language on the internet and takes the deepest of dives into our history and philosophical foundations of our Republic. Their articles put our current socio-political climate into a broader context, and also offer suggestions as to where our country should be heading. If you ever want to feel as if you are in a library, reading the finest collection of highly intellectual content available, CRB will provide you with just that. Some of the best authors include Robert Reilly and the Heritage Foundation’s David Azerrad.

9. Just The News (@JustTheNews): Despite being a brand new website, Just The News already has much more going for it than most legacy media outlets. Founded by the renowned investigative reporter John Solomon (@jsolomonReports), Just The News is a site dedicated solely to fulfilling the original objective of journalism: Reporting just the news, with no bias or spin. Solomon has amassed a world-class team of highly-talented writers and journalists to cover all aspects of the news cycle, leaving no stone unturned in its pursuit of the truth. Check out this new site today.

10. The Federalist (@FDRLST): If you ever want some good long-form articles on the topics of the day, The Federalist is a safe bet. It also holds the distinction of perhaps the greatest collection of extensive, in-depth investigative articles on the scandal behind Operation Crossfire Hurricane, including the FISA abuses, corruption in the FBI, and Deep State surveillance, among many, many other stories the legacy media doesn’t want you to know about. Some of the best contributors include Sean Davis (@seanmdav), Mollie Hemingway (@MZHemingway), David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi), and Ben Domenech (@bdomenech). 

11. The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire): Founded and run by Breitbart alum Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro), The Daily Wire features excellent commentary from such fighters as Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) and entertaining podcasts from Andrew Klavan, both of whom have been guests on AMERICA First. It also features contributors like Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra), who is always on top of the media cycle with the latest breaking news around the clock. The Daily Wire continues to regularly demonstrate its motto: “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”

12. Human Events (@HumanEvents): The newly-revamped version of the classic magazine, which was President Ronald Reagan’s favorite publication, has exploded onto the scene in spectacular fashion. After being purchased and relaunched earlier this year, Human Events has taken on a more firmly nationalist, populist, and pro-Trump tone that is fitting for the era. With a combination of the same eloquence, research, and depth of topics as such publications like Claremont Review of Books, and the same politically incorrect and bold tone of Breitbart and American Greatness, this new and improved site has everything that is needed to take the fight directly to the Left in every way possible. Already skyrocketing in popularity, much to the ire of faux conservatives like Bill Kristol, Human Events has the strength, collection of talent, and resources to become the next big publication that is truly just as much of a cultural weapon as it is a magazine, potentially as crucial to 2020 as Breitbart was to 2016. Its best and brightest minds include its editors Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) and Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain), as well as others such as Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray).

13. American Greatness (@theamgreatness): For a website that is only a few years old, American Greatness has already made an incredible impact in the world of right-wing commentary. This journal unapologetically attacks political correctness, directly takes on the Left in the battle for our culture, and also has plenty of time to rip into “Conservatism Inc.” for their role in allowing the Left to become so dominant in the first place. American Greatness has already achieved greatness of its own, featuring such star-studded contributors as Dennis Prager (@DennisPrager), Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO), Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson), and Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr), as well as some of its own senior contributors such as Chris Buskirk (@thechrisbuskirk) and Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2), and of course, your host of AMERICA First, Dr. Sebastian Gorka.

14. Breitbart (@BreitbartNews): What Fox News is to television, Breitbart is to online media, or “alternative media.” The website bearing the name of one of the greatest culture warriors in history has become a media war machine in its own right, years after Andrew Breitbart’s tragic and early passing. It was on the front lines of the 2016 election, even working its way into Hillary Clinton’s mind as an “alt-right” boogeyman, just proving how truly effective the site was, and still is today. Breitbart boasts some of the sharpest and wittiest writers on the internet today, including Matt Boyle (@mboyle1), John Nolte (@NolteNC), Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak), and Allum Bokhari (@LibertarianBlue).

Bokhari (@LibertarianBlue).AMERICA First is the newest nationally-syndicated radio show in the United States, part of the Salem
Radio Network. The host, Sebastian Gorka PhD., served most recently as Deputy Assistant for Strategy
to the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and is author of the New York Times bestselling
book “Defeating Jihad.” His latest book is
Why We Fight: Defeating America’s Enemies – With No Apologies.” 

You can follow him on Twitter @SebGorka, on Facebook, and on Instagram @sebastian_gorka.
AMERICA First is available on the iTunes podcast app, streams live at, and is on
YouTube. You can contact him here.

The Top 14 Best Conservative Media Outlets - America First with Sebastian Gorka (

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